

A little girl's story
There was a girl who used to be in joyful mood always...
Then life happened for her...
In positive ways.
In negative ways.
But she didn't give up on life...
She fought... She struggled... She hustled...
But what she gave up,
is her sensitive feelings...
She always chose to be a stronger one...
But unknowingly she ran away from her emotions...
And then she came across a prince...
A prince charm...
Her prince charm...
The one who made her feel safe...
The one who gave her the freedom to feel...
But she was insecure... She was frightened...
Not for the world... But for herself...
She was scared, "What if I loose him"

But then God arrived...
She chose the spiritual way to heal herself...
God gave her feelings back...
Because she needed them to feel her prince charm...
God arrived...
God took the control...
God made her way...
God gave everything she needed...
© Soumya Mishra