

Benji The Superdog Helps Sally the Sheep

© Tammy Wright
Mommy was in the kitchen making dinner.Benji came running in.He said," Mommy quick my super powers are buzzing! Someone needs my help!"
Mommy answered,"Okay Benji, let's get your super cape!".
Daddy heard Mommy talking to Benji.he said,"Did I hear to that Benji needs to help someone?We need to get going!".
Mommy put Benji's super cape on.They all set out to see who needed help.
Benji heard Sally the Sheep crying.He used his super powers and flew to her.
When he got there he saw what was wrong.Bully the Bull wouldn't let Sally the Sheep eat her food.Bully said,"You have to get past me if you want to eat!"and laughed.
Bully was always mean to the other animals.Nobody liked him.
Benji pulled Bully away from Sally.He said,"Bully it isn't nice to be mean!"
Bully said,But it's fun to be mean!"
Benji said,"No Bully you need to be nice.We need to love one another".
After that bully stopped being mean.He even changed his name to Bobby the Bull.All the animals were happy.Everyone became good friends.