

Hidden peace
I am just a young lady who grew up with different people and all with very werried behaviours. Had I not known how to control my mental illness, then I would be no more.
My heart was worried all the time because I knew there would be no joy to bring up. Sleeping with a broken heart is just like being in he'll live , your helpless, downfriended, and you can't even listen yourself.
I searched for light and peace, but all are hidden. Why then shouldn't God shut down the world so that the suffering shall be put to end.
I cry my eyes out, I call for rescue, but one can listen to me .
Am just like a plant that has no roots nor breaches, and it grows so carelessly because it lucks support.
Dear world, why then do you have to be rush on me, have you known not that without me you can't exist?. But all I know is that readjustment in circumstances starts with readjusting your perspective on the situations.
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