

I Chose Life
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. I could hear the steps in the corrider behind me. I turned around, mustering up my strength. As I turned I srarted to feel warm all over and suddenly dizzy for the corrider spun around me. I fell to the floor and the ceiling tiles with the flashing fluorescent lights were my last sights. I had fallen asleep.

I awoke, feeling extremely shaken and groggy. I could hear voices in a nearby room. I looked around me, I was on a hospital bed in what appeared to be a normal hospital room. A voice drew nearer and a doctor appeared in the room. He explained to me that I had taken a bottle of pills to kill myself but that at the last minute, had asked for help. My memory from the night before was death chasing me through the corridor of my mind. When I had "passed out", I had actually been brought back from the brinks of death. I had realized that I actually wanted to live. Regardless what I was facing, I knew that I could muster the strength to get through. Not only for myself but for my children. I had made the right choice in the end. I had faced death but had chosen life.