

The Blue Prints 3
After getting out of his body Randall rushed outside, this time not seeing much light and this time very active, his breathing was heavy and faster, he felt very energetic and because he was able to run faster, he tries to run even faster hoping he could reach sooner to his girlfriend's place in another town but while he tries to run more fast, he gets uncontrollably faster and flies!!!!!... Not with wings or in the way that birds fly but just like floating in air and moving at a fast pace but after reaching a few feats up he gets scared and his heart starts to beat faster and because Randall was aware that his original body was sleeping back home, Randall pushed himself to waking up and he woke up... Randall this time not very much surprised he thought for a while and just started thanking God for giving him exactly what he asked for ...
The Blue Prints 4: Randall starts meeting other flying beings in the supernatural realm and starts making friends there.
© Dr. Tranqeelor