

Wolfs trip (part 1)
Long ago in a kingdom called Hebrew. A boy named Foxy was a excited child he always wanted to explore the world.One day A rumour went out talking about the enchanted forest and how anyone who entered would never be seen again.The word spreaded quickly through out the kingdom. As soon as Foxy heard this he knew that it was his chance to finally explore somthing.So he found him some water and a flashlight,as soon as his mother heard about this she didn't stop him she helped him pack for his journey.So after they were down packing he gave his mother a last goodbye and set off.As he passed the gates of the kingdom a old man asked him" young man,could you help me find my daughter?".Foxy asked where she was last saw.The man said that she had wonder off into the enchanted forest.Foxy replied "I will keep a lookout for her sir".The man nodded and told him that there were dragons and other mystical beast.Foxy took this as a warning to be careful of his surroundings.Foxy was a little bit scared but he was not bout to let fear take control of him. Foxy walked through the mist intill the night fell.He looked through his Backpack for the tent bag and found it.A few minutes later he finely got it up and as he in a noise was heard from above him.he looked up and saw that it was a large shadow.He jumped in his tent and zipped up the the tent.The next morning the daylight never shined it was still dark and misty.Foxy put the tent back up and saw that the Large shadow had dissapered.As he headed further in to the forest he saw a huge Winged shadow in front of him.he stands in fear that he knew this was a dark dragon.