

Unforgettable Childhood
Ours was a middle family. Neither a nuclear nor a joint one. We were three obedient sisters with only one spoilt brother to take care of. General drama of the house constituted with our everyday anxieties over our brother - his health, his meal and most importantly his recreation. His studies, his health and his future life are the day to day and the wholy- solly areas of discussions in our traditional household. Us trios whole life was supposed to be a good care-taker of our brother. My brother was the eldest one among us. Still he was more like a small child with all the fickleness of other little young children. We had to attend all his tanterms. And at the same time bore those tanterms with patience. As daughters of the house are always considered elders and matured ones, no arguments of age and entitledness can spare us ( daughters) from the responsibility of taking care of brother and family's other liabilities. This is a typical patriarchal middle class family.

In this house of umpteen kind of responsibilities, I was born. Adamant, Stubborn, unbent, contrary to the expectations of the family and the household.

For me , my education was the whole thing to consider each and every day. Although, at the commencement of my childhood, this adamant spirit was only in tiny form. But with the passage of time, it grew up and widened up. Widened until, it got the Colossus form and converted into a overwhelming longing.

Time rolled by and we grew up. And I became more head over heels in love with my studies. But I was not spared from family duties. I was the eldest daughter of the house. So, my presence was required at every single occasion - from little to prominent ones.

From sweeping to mopping, doing the dishes to doing the laundry and from cooking food to serve on one leg to the all family members was my duty. I obeyed and complied it without a single word of complaints on my lips. Add to this , bringing water from tap or wells was a bonus work if sometimes, it seems to the family that I was showing tanterms or making faces, sulking out of nothing or showing unsatisfaction in life through my sour and sulky face or through other bodily gestures. Code of conduct in the house was to carry out all duties of the household with a beaming smile and a satisfactory gesture.
Deviation from this will result in addition of more household work.

I obeyed and just obeyed. On parallel, continued my studies. I was very brilliant student since childhood and got first position in every class. Now, I was in eight standard and in those days, eight class was considered as a board- exam class. It was my good fortune that despite my other household duties in the family, I studied hard and passed eight class with flying colours. Family was elated at this news.
Reward for this was that burden of my other household duties got ebbed. Now my two sisters take almost whole of the household responsibilities and I was allowed to concentrate more on my studies. Thanks to some uncles and fair personalities in the neighborhood for motivating my parents for doing this favour to me. But I was not happy. I didn't want my sisters to pass through all. But I had no other alternative available.

Time passed by and I became more inclined towards my studies. The more stern I was, the more honed my skills got. By the grace of God, I got distinction in 10th class.
I got laurels in 10th class Board-exam. The power swerve in my life came after this.

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