

A Dream Came True Chapter 2
When joseph gave permission to robin to play in his school team john was very happy, after Athat when joseph and shakia came home they told this news to john he started dancing and shouting at that time joseph told him that he should practice for his match but after exams, when joseph told him this john started studying very hard so that he can score good marks in exams. After 10 days when exams were held john scored good marks
when he told this to his family joseph and shakia were very happy after that john played for his school team and his team won the match.

After 2 Days second match was held in that john scored above 80 runs and he was not out, here in the stadium johns father joseph and johns mother shakia they both were very happy seeing johns batting. Johns teacher robin was also very happy. Lime this john started playing his Carrer matches like this when he was playing one day when he won his match and when he came back he saw his father was crying like a small baby when john saw this he asked his father what happend his father tild him that his grandmother shabina passed away hearing this john also started crying, when he was crying somebody told him that his mother shakia suddenly fainted immediately he ran to his mothers room he saw his mother was crying and she was also in depression.John was very sad for his grandmother shabina and he was not eating anything till 5 to 6 days after that slowly slowly he started eating and then he was back to normal.
next episode coming soon............
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