

If we met again...
On behalf of all Broken Hearts out there making all their efforts for a speedy recover either from a one sided love affair or a hurt deeper enough from a friend or lover...!!!

Hey once I forgive and forget you,
If tomorrow you come my way,
Don't treat me same...
If I would have forgotten your name,
Or what we had talked about last,
Or how you had broken me,
Don't remind me...
I know your work is done in my life,
But I have a lot to achieve and live again,
I have my present to fall in love with,
I have my world,
That needs my best to strive in...
I love the feeling of love,
Becoming love again,
If you find me tomorrow,
Chilling with some Sunflowers,
In a lovely evening,
Bring me a 🍾 and hang out as a friend,
It was not just you or me,
It was the time and space and all in between...
You are a part of universe,
So part of me,
Not my enemy of any kind,
I just can't choose you again,
Because of the last experiences I have mourn on,
To learn about me... !!

(I don't drink by the way...
It just felt rhyming,
You can bring me some flowers and chocolates though...
Ooo God...
I am inviting all the past people...
Please don't show up or come...
I am done... !!!

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