

Away From Furore :pt 2

Fear, it was all over me, it fell like I'm not me, I'm fear myself, it was hard to step out from home even to go to places which are everyone's favourite, for me those places were like they would again push me to my deepest painful domain,no doubt I was im my deepest excruciating pain but I feared those places would take me to introduce me to my vulnerable side.
I cried, I sobbed. I sobbed to that instance that felt like a big stone was over my chest, my mouth got ceased, I couldn't speak
Surrounded by fear, I decided to stop going out but I knew one day I have to step out and thinking that fear more engraved me!! It felt like it was eating me slowly and slowly, engulfing into it, gradually. And then how spirituality helped me to tackle my problems and here im watching me grow and improve myself everyday.......
© panglossian lass