

My past ,my worst regret
l want you to put your past behind you and focus on your future.l give u all my blessings
Thanks mum, I said.Now let's go get u married to Mr.handsome ,she teased .
What isn't he handsome ?Since your father is no more,I have the right to look at men the way I want .I looked at her with my mouth opened ,they both were a nice and funny couple.When my dad passed away,mum has been miserable so seeing her start all over makes me happy.
Well today is my wedding day, I can't believe I am getting married after all I have been through but it's my past now .My mom lead me out of the dressing room.I was looking beautiful in my white gown and veil . My jewelleries were all shinning ,my make up wasn't bad since I didn't allow the make up artist attach a lot on my face .
When we reached the entrance of the church door ,I could feel everyone's eyes on me I could hear them saying,"wow,kul,she is beautiful ,look at her dress,awww she is cute and Soo many".I just blushed .My mom handed me over to my uncle,since my dad is no more ,my uncle had to walk with me to my would be husband.
We walked slowly to the alter where my uncle placed my hands in Danny's.Yep that's the name of my husband,Danny McLean. He was looking good in his suit and well styled hair.
We walked and stood in front of the pastor,we took our vows and promises.We wore our rings and you'll know what's up next right,the pastor said .And they all cheered"You may kiss the bride" . Well I looked straight into his eyes whiles he also looked into mine and then he kissed me.
Kiss again,I heard them saying and before I knew Danny kissed me passionately.
The rest of the day was enjoyable,I met lot of my families mostly my dad's side.It was fun.We had a dancing competition,eating and drinking.Then we cut the cake
Finally it was time to say goodbye to my mom.That was the hardest thing to do for me ,If I looked at all I did and how she still supported and accepted me it's so amazing she is the best. Mother's are always the best .
I thought of always telling Danny my past but my mom wouldn't allow. This is your chance of living a new life don't let it slip out of your hands, she would always say.So I decided to live life to the fullest and leave everything behind
Even though am scared of one thing,I hope it doesn't take place
Chapter 2
I stayed in bed looking at my husband's face ,wow why is he so handsome I asked my self. It's been almost a year now since we got married ,it's been wonderful moments only. Even though we fight and quarrel sometimes .life has been good I am finally the bank manager I always wanted ,I have a good boss who understands that am married so he doesn't ask me out and those things.He respects me as a woman. Danny is now an engineer, his dreams came true at last.
I started my day with prayers made breakfast for Dan and dressed up for work . When Dan was done dressing ,I served him and we ate together. We had a little conversation and then he dropped me off at the bank .