

You are own Killer
Is that you? no...no...May be it's you...? I am right ! Yes it's you !! You are the killer of my dreams....
"Are you sure?,"Someone said to the Ava. Ava angrily replied,"So who could it be ?" "It's you,Ava,"Mysterious person said to the Ava. Ava becomes a speechless. She asked,"How could it possible? I am not killer..."
"Ofcourse, it's you,Ava;no other person could do that you except only you ...You are own killer of your dreams," Mysterious person said to the Ava. Ava still confused. Mysterious person started to explain her....
Now weather became cloudy and shaddy. "Ava, first time you wanted to became as smart as Athena as well as you wanted to recognised by your own teachers. i.e.why you started to study but now...Nor you are studying neither read any book. Second, you wanted to became an athlete but now...Nor you are exercising neither do the practice .Third , you wanted to became a writer but now... you has not been shown any interest in writing. Sometime your happiness was hidden in that...", explained by Mysterious person to the Ava.
Ava trying to clarify herself to him. "I am not killer. Killer is non another but my parents. Ofcourse they are killer not me", Ava said to the Mysterious person. "Are you sure"?,How could it be they are killer", Someone said to the Ava. "Ofcourse they are killer;they never support me... they never behave good to me.. definitely they are killer,"said Ava.
"This is just excuse, doesn't it? They wake up early for you. Your mother always made breakfast for you. Your father always drope you at the school as well as they make sure that you have enough money whenever you're going to any trip or hangout with your friends,said Mysterious person to the Ava.
Again Ava trying to clarify herself to the him. "If they are not then I don't know who killer is ....? but it's definitely not me. May be it's Evelyn., Ofcourse,She is killer.She always jealous towards me. Definitely She's killer!!"said Ava. "Are you sure ?", Someone said to Ava.
"Are you again and again giving excuse.Why don't you admit that you are own killer. Evelyn can't be killer. She always nice towards you. She always working hard making her life better. She's not jealous towards you but you are jealous towards her, don't you?",said Mysterious person to the Ava.
Ava has realised her biggest mistake.She was blaming others for the mistake that others did not make.
Now weather become clear.Sun is shinning in the radiant sky.
Ava suddenly wake up from dream. She asking herself,"Is that dream....Why this dream is so realistic". Now Ava is working hard as well as she's doing exercise. Ava has decided that she wants to become a better human. She has been not only realise her mistake but also behaving nice towards other.
No one know about this was dream or not...may be it's dream. But it shows real picture to the Ava. It's fact that sometime you are own killer of your dreams, career as well as life.

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