

Hard work
In this part am going to write about Hardwork.In this world nothing is possible without hardwork.Look at the life of Ant.🐜work little by little.Not wait for winter..Start everything immediatly!👍 don't wait for tomorrow.But as a human we are not like those creatures.We wait for tomorrow..When some idea strike in our mind....must start in that minute..it will be worth..
Behind every success,ton of hardwork is needed.The formula for success is double your failure.Sometime life hit you continously,whereever you go ,..👀keep it in your mind..at the end you are going to deserve much better.Definetly your hardwork will pay the justice.So ,What ever happened hold your goal,Don't think about give up...Try,Fail,Try,Fail,Try,Fail........mission accompolished.👍
Let me tell you a story..Once upon a time,A microbiologist kept a fishtank in his lab.He put a 🦈shark in to it..Then he send a tiny bait fishes..within a second ,shark eat everything...
Then scientist kept a fibre glass inside the tank.It partioned the tank .Now shark is in one side..Bait fishes are on other side...Shark tried to catch the fishes...but it hit the glass and flip....shark try again and again ..later shark lost it hope..bcz shark was wounded and tired...now shark move on..At this time scientist remove fibre glass ..shark not even look the bait fishes..because..false barrier conditioned in its mind..so shark drop the idea of attacking...
In real life, we also live like this shark after five,six failure😵 we dropped the idea and move forward..despite try again and again. .🏊‍♂You can find the treasury..🎪any time....don't give up..Action give you more courage and confidence.Inaction gives fear and lazy only.
Luck does't favour us always.Its a dividend...When you Sit idle,expecting luck will florish my life is just a foolishness ...Hard work and dedication is the price of sucess.Sometime hardwork beat talent too.when talent doesnot work out.In reality look at the history of successfull people after reaching success,still they are working day and night.
Edison work 22 hours in a day and he sleep 2 or 3 hours in his lab ,keep his book as a pillow.Late prime minister Jawaharlal nehru worked 17 hours a day.In his calender, there is no holiday.These is a way successfull people are working.Again,KFC founder sander ..in his life he faced 1009 rejection..where ever he go faced..rejection,failure,critism...Eventhough he worked calmly...not mind all this thing..At the end his 🥪chicken recipee got attention..He pursue his dream by starting his KFC franchaise ..His face is still in the logo..The white coat,tie,goatee are the symbol of delicious 🍗chicken recipee..In 2013, 18000 KFC location in 118 countries.
"Work is worship" enjoy and love your work..🐜and 🐝 are the example for hardwork.Don't keep yourself idle .It made you shame and disgrace.Ants know the formula for ant-hive,Bees know the formula for bee-hive..But human is the only being does not know the formula for their own sucessfull life..Is really sting me😩.