

KEVIN- I don't have a family so no responsibility, but you have ......so just call your old father and tell him that you will be out of station for some day, if he asks about cloths then tell him you will be using mine and ofcourse you do so if you want to stay.
JOSEPH- Obviously I am staying. I will call the old man in a minute, but tell me where are we going to stay???
KEVIN- I asked some local, they said there is a old motel at the end of the road, there's also a pub in there.
JOSEPH- Ghouls,pubs,brandy.......haaaa life, does it even have a strip club???



KEVIN- We want a room sir, any room available????
MANAGER- All rooms are empty but I don't have electric supply, nor do I have fooding service.....
JOSEPH- PUB!!!?????
MANAGER- Closed, I don't open it now.
KEVIN- okay no problem just give us a double-bed room.
MANAGER- Room number 13, here take the keys.


KEVIN- What did you observe about the manager............Joseph?
JOSEPH- A grumpy old man, his lower side of the eyes were swollen, wait is he the ghoul brother of that old man!!!???
KEVIN- You saw right, but formulated wrong. Yes his eyes were swollen but not because he is ghoul but because of his addiction towards alcohol.


KEVIN- Who is it?????
MANAGER- Its me young man, I just brought you a hug of water.
KEVIN-Ohhhh, please come in.....yeah place it on the table. Sir I haven't learned anything about you, what's your name
MANAGER- Christopher Roode and my wife will give you some hot water for bath, if you want. Just call in the reception.

■Mr Roode left

JOSEPH- What a scoundrel, he didnt even asked back your name.
KEVIN- Leave it, but see he forgot to take his cap, that old cowboy hat. Take it and tell me what can you tell about the old man.
JOSEPH- From this dusty old hat, nothing.
KEVIN- I can make out that Mr Roode was rich some years back. His wife doesn't love due to which he became alcoholic, but still he has some self respect left within and importantly he prefers living inside his nest than going out.
JOSEPH- What the hell, you are bluffing.
KEVIN-No I am not. See this hat, these hats were in fashion some years back and they were quite high priced, but he haven't bought a second hat since then which signifies his falling economy and the wife thing, if your wife loves you will she let you sit in the reception wearing this dusty hat, she would obviously dust it. See this, he had painted black colour on the oil marks on the hat which signifies he still haven't his self respect fully. notice these dust this is not street dust its house dust, if a thing is kept long inside the house it gathers such dust which tells us he prefers living inside his house .
JOSEPH- Oh my good God!!!!! You are insane dude.
KEVIN- I just need some information about the old man in the house, for that I must talk to some of the locals.
JOSEPH- now?
KEVIN- No, now I will have to read some books on this subject, ghouls or ghuls, I have brought some books.
JOSEPH-So can I go out and survey???
KEVIN- Yeah, but don't even think about going inside that house you understand.
JOSEPH- Yo bye...............