

Consequences of Anger
Write a short story using at least three from the five prompts given:

"Tell us what happened." An officer of the law asked a young man.

"Okay." The young man said in a sorrowful tone of voice.

"An empty suitcase full of memories. That's what I decided to take with me that day that I left everything behind. In my sadness and rage through my tears I committed a hit and run. My windshield cracked and caved in because of the body. Just like the cracks I was seeing spread out on the glass, I was being torn apart by her. After I had left her house the way I did she kept calling and calling me. I didn't answer. How could I? I grabbed my suitcase and stormed out. I wanted to hit her. How could she make a decision like that without even telling me? She was always ranting about how we were a team. Honesty this honesty that. What a lie that whole relationship was." The young man said as he fought back tears.

"I can certainly feel your pain over what happened before the crash but I need you to focus." The officer said.

"Focus, how could I even focus. You know for the longest time I never even thought of me as a father. Never not once did I ever think about it. Until the day that she told me about her pregnancy. I cried. Me a guy who didn't even shed a single tear when his grandmother who raised him died." The young man looked away from the officer as he wiped away his tears.

"She was always persistent though. She knew that I would eventually answer her goddamn call. I kept ignoring the calls. After about the twentieth one she decided to text me. I ignored those too. The dam chime is still in my head. So I finally break and press the button on the car to read back her damn messages.
The messages added salt to my wounds. So much pain and anger that, that I forgot I was driving. I swear I meant to stop. The..The car accelerated before the signal turned green." The young man broke down crying.

The officer stood up from his chair and went to comfort the young man.

"The worst part of it all is that I hit a little girl. My child was going to be a little girl." The young man fully embraced the officer.

The officer let the young man cry. When he had calmed down he turned his back so that the officer could cuff him.