

Never fear
The loud blast startled us all. On its heels the plane nose-dived. "Jump out now!"
The squadron leader opened the hatch. It looked like a gaping gateway to hell. One by one the soldiers jumped into the dark abyss. I was the last to go... but a thought invaded my brain. God has got me always. He won't let me down. I recited Psalms 91. I am protected and sealed in Holy Spirit. No weapons formed against me shall prosper. Jump now was commanded. so I was free falling. Just as I trusted in Gods promises. An angel appeared and lifted me up. I was in the Throne room of God. I was transformed into my heavenly body. Beautiful music was playing harps and cymbals were clanging then all of a sudden the Angel's starting singing. As they ushered me to sit at the feet of Jesus. I never wanted to leave. it was home. Then I heard the rolling thunder when God spoke. It is finished.
All are accounted for.
The new heaven and earth came down. The streets were pure gold. Everything was in perfect harmony. No more pain or tears. Hallelujah for evermore Jesus is Lord!