

You Got No Idea H
You got a lot of anger but you don't
know you got no idea
pandemic blues others
show some shit that's not cool
and you see it
but you don't believe it
and once you see what I see
you know and you never the
same again and your mind
goes insane. You got a copy
but she not to county cross
but hater go next to you
and start yelling all night long
cause they say they think someone
at you. Then they haller false hoods
at and start telling you your parents are
alive when dead.
And you know that they crazy
so why they but them next to you
The insane should not be aloud to fuck
with the crazy.
But all of them want to hate on you
for the things you don't know.
but when you walk out the door
and they left in there own shame
no one can blame you
for there cruel games at night
but you the night an a riders some in a black and white and some riding low
so low that it's cool.
And he going to be smooth
he not human
he been changed because of the
games of life like we all be
in this masked world of many
So he low but he see the score
he know how they roll.
Then the trees moved it was a thing
in the night 🏃 but most gates is locked
and no one wants to see what I saw
they roll that trolly around like it's pick
time. But they being robbed every second. Because of they company
gets there financial info up front.
So all get is a ride here and a ride there
then the person who owns it getting
rich off the motion. While you and your
guest for for 3.00 or 5.00 ride by
looking like this my whip.
But that's. a 🚎 and you pay in for them to be to early or to late all the riders say.
As they joke them things on a regular day. But the thing in the tree was
on the loss and it ran to the troll
and the man ride in low saw it too
the thing flinched and flipped that
troll over now the driver yelling
and the thing like. you is my night
meat because you was to early in the
damn morning now I got you for being
a paper chaser hitting up all them old
peoples pocket s like water poring on the ground. And so it spills and the cops drive by but they not going to clean the
mess I don't want to deal with that but I know of it and they drive off he don't like you for money but. I don't like the insane being invited in a pandemic
in my building to bother my rest.
So I tell that night tree killer come hear
I got someone who needs to be gone
and I will be rude and nasty like
shit on the ground as the sun hits
it and a bunch of 🐕 s been pass
and now you that shit the tree thing
done got cause you kept running
your 👄 all night long saying you protecting but you not. And you and
that troll man done got gotten in the middle of the night in the middle of the
And I finally can smile and lite a cigarette
and match it to your shame.
As you thought being insane would save
you from your own actions
no you do so much so that
you don't even see that you the enemy
helping the other criminals get an
unknowing person out her bed in the
middle of the night you many
evils not even spoken that's why I don't
Grace you with goodness cause your
hidden hate comes to the light in the day
time and at night you yell at the wall across from me an them night and day
creatures can't wait to get your ads.
I can't wait to see you one day behind your number 🔐 apt. And you been yell
in and sliding children left and right.
why is the insane got to put up with
this shit well the pandemic has made
most of the half dead haters dead.
And they walk always tryin to do
hate to you for some other fools who
hide in the shadows and count there
lies which they told to many to bother
you all the time but drama is the least
of there worry it's Holy god seeing this living dead and people shunning and cursing the very thing that could save
them but they continue to act this way
and the blood of the innocent boils
as haters are all around disturbing me
in a pandemic and while the other guys
are riding low ⌚ and waitin to jump
at him and ho who hides in his hate
on the other side of the wall in a living
room of hate they work together evil
to create for a bunch of other haters
who should be ripped apart by the thing
in the night and it's crazy evil crew
who hates and laughs about not getting
caught when it's day. And it's twisted
but this that shit that makes you say
hey I can always walk away and know that better is coming after them ones
disappear an that thing in the night
gets them during when they let there
guards down.
© Again it's Lash