

My Bestfriend
Sarah and Axel where Bestfriends since kindergarten.Axel made a Promise to Sarah to be Bestfriends forever.but one day.Axel left without any Explanation or Proper Goodbye.Sarah was in Grief and felt betrayed by her Bestfriend for a long time.15 years later.Sarah Acidentally bumped into Axel and Almost didn’t recognized Axel.because Axel is Malnourished,have many Bruises and Looked liked been abused.Sarah was flabbergasted and is angry .she started hitting him and Saying.Why did you leave?why did you leave?Axel the Explained that He is Being Abuse and Assulted by his Foster parents.he left because he couldn’t take care anymore of the abuse as he is Hitting and Spanking for No Reason,Putting his Skins on Flame and Worse Feeding him to the dog and Letting the Cat Srached him.he tried to live in his relatives but they were no god. He lived in his Grandparent and Other relatives.they where a very big family.but thwy hadno goot to . they all abuse and tortured him going to the point where he had broken legs,arms,mucles.and they always blamed him for nonsense reasons.the torture stop after 10 years when one of the relative cant take it anymore and called Child Services and the Police.after that .another family adopted him .but its no good.as he was being held A Prositute in their hands for 4 years.he cant say anthing because he has no power against them .after 4 years a rich family hanled his case and decided to adtop him.later that year he was diagnosed with Cancer and has only 9 mothns to live.after that story that Sarah Heared,she was in tears and quite.she said how many mohns do you have left?he said only 1 days left and this is today.sarah asked what do you want to do in your last day?he said i just wanna spend time with you until my very last breathe while seeing the sunset in the beach.they Spent the Whole day Watching Movies,Going to the Carnival.until sunset happens.They where both seating in the Beach .little did Sarah know that that time is Axel’s Final minute and his last words where.Thank You for being with me for my Final Hour I’ll never Forget this Memmory with You.until Next time Sarah.. in that final word he died.