

Caring Caring ❤.
In The land of the Green beauty. And the pure. As their was an lady created In The brushes of the green.
As she did naughty things, as she did not care about her body. The green land of pure.
the beauty queen gotten upset. How she was carrying herself as she was supposed to be an example for the younger generations, As the solders came for her
As she was unclean.
As they was the beast of the night, they
held an arrow cross across their chest. In held it in her back. As the soilders left the beauty of the green to die. As she was forgiven ,a path to
heaven was opened. As she refused they
put the cross back in her back and turned it. As she turned into ashes
to the pit below as the Kings of demons,
was waiting for her to enter his kingdom.
As it had blasting burning flames. all
you see is fire. like a house on fire. that's
how he'll would like like in my mind. As he sat on his throne ordering his servants
to do his evil doing. when they rejected he threw them into the pit of fire.
The End
caring caring ❤.

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