

the thorny road isn't always harsh to Caroline
Episode- 1

Caroline : Mom...stay healthy I'll be healthy and I'll earn alot of money and makes you happy

Mom : of course my aline .. I'm so lucky to have you as my daughter ...

Caroline : take care I'll call you later mom I love you

3 hrs later
Caroline got a call from Merlin

Merlin : are u there aline? ( Aline short name given to Caroline by her dad )

Caroline : yes..can you come pick me up ?
I'm so tired ..

Merlin : ok I'll call you once I reach at the airport..

Day -1
Caroline : Merlin can I work at your office ? As you know I'm Creative and good at writing

Merlin : well ..if you are willing to work with me and yes our company will be recruiting some employees day after tomorrow..give it a try

Caroline : yes let's give it a try..

Merlin : bydaway did you call your mom she must be worried

Caroline : well I did ...(in a sigh)

Merlin : is everything alright? Tell me if you need anything .

Caroline : just ..as usual

Merlin : you shouldn't end up your day with a sigh aline...go get dressed up ..I'll let you know the blinking blinking lights of the cities .
It will make you calm

Caroline : ok give me a few mins (Caroline wink her eyes in a smile)

Merlin : that's where I fall for you (Merlin wink her eyes too)

Caroline : let's have a cup of coffe Merlin.
Back in the college days ..no one wanted to hang out with me as I'm poor . You were my only friend. Thank you Merlin you always make me smile even though I couldn't give you anything back.

Merlin: Aline stop talking like a grandma .
You were always and always will be my friend . You don't need to thank me ..for that . I just love your simplicity and personality .....that's how I choose my friends

Caroline : alright so shall we go home now ? it's getting late ...we also need to do some groceries shopping so ...

Merlin : oh right ..

© verinmiwashi