

Life 23
Here is something I've learned, better anytime you can, than not and
I dont care what the circumstances are, Once you sleep with someone, their nolonger your friend, whether you screw them over or screw them in bed, rest assure things are never going to be the same as friends Dont screw each other no matter in what sense your referring.
Friendship is selfless, where Relationships or sexual Relationships are selfish as Sex along with Love are a Need, Not an Emotion.
Need in some way Implies a sense of desperation or urgency, and if I've learned anything is that people will do the dumbest, craziest crap in desperation or when their backed into a corner...
One minute your friends the next barely even an acquaintances, like a rabid dog showing little emotion towards its owner or victims
They Say Communication is the first thing that must be achieved before any healing process can begin to take place.
That Only applies when it is presented in such a way that neither party feels threatened or belittled.
To be spoken Too, Not At and Not based on Maturity but on what Frame of Mind they are in At That Moment In Time, which is the only way that I can see that one could even relate to or communicate with at that point.
The Only other thing you will Need in tact Is The Reason You Became Friends to begin with.

Be Safe, Its a COVID 19 jungle out there and you're not always going to be a lion.