

In a child's eyes
In the eyes of young child you try to please your parents. No matter what or how you have to do it. Many times the child never pleases the parent.

Your dad just lost their home, got divorce papers from his last wife, had check garnished, and had lots of medical issues. He made the decision to move into town which he didn't want to do. He also agreed to go have surgery again and to go to AA meetings. The child was happy feeling like wow yes he finally changing.

As several people in the family get together to help him move into town, things seem to be moving fast. The young child is out helping as much as she could. The end of loading is close. The child is so happy as she will see her daddy more.

The dad looks at her daughter and asks her to find a chain and rope. Eager to please her daddy she ran around until found some. She came running to her daddy with a smile saying "I found it daddy". Thank you darling muffles the father. I love so much sweetie says the daddy as he rushes out the door.

A few minutes later everyone is asking where the young child daddy is as no one has seen him in a while. Oh well they say he must be looking around to be making sure he has everything. So everyone finishes up the loading. Still no sign of her daddy.

As the house is empty and they believe they have everything they assign everyone an area to look at to be sure they do. The little child had the barn. To long and behold there was her daddy hanging from rafter in the barn. The child started screaming and everyone came running.

At that point, two of her cousins cut the rope to get him down. One other cousin ran to call 911 and to call grandma. The young child was tramatized and she was screaming I only did what he asked and now I killed him. I didn't know but I handed him the chain and rope. He did this with what I gave him is all the child could say. She believed she killed her father.

They tried CPR on him but it was too late. The grandma got there before the ambulance people. The young child was still screaming. As they put her daddy in the ambulance and took him to the hospital. The child just kept saying I gotta see him and tell him I sorry. I only was trying to please him. That I let him down and I killed him and let him know I love him. Please she begged and begged until finally they let her.

As the days and years went by the child still believed it was her fault her daddy died even though she was a child when it happened. She had no control of him but it still bothered her deeply. That image stuck in her and is still stuck in her to this day. Will it ever go away? Probably not! But she knows deep down now it wasn't her fault she was only a child and did what she asked to do. She had no clue what he was going to do, and couldn't stop him even if she did.

Every child wants to please there parents. Let them know they are loved, and let know when things are done wrong but not there fault so they can not hold the guilt for a life time. Explain things to them at an early age it will make a difference.