

Lost Childhood 13
Alisha and Sara would have had a lot in common; they both were nursing students. Only Sara seemed to take it more seriously, she was determined and focused on what she wanted. Their similarities didn’t end there; Alisha had long dark brown hair and hazel eyes just like Sara and they were about the same height. The only thing was that Alisha only went to nursing school because she thought acting wasn’t a big thing in El Paso. What she didn’t realize was it wasn’t going to just fall into her lap; she would have to truly work for it but Alisha really didn’t really like working. She came from a privileged family and everything had been given to her her whole life, that is until her father found out she wanted to be an actor and he cut her off.

That’s when she started dating Alex, they met when he was working a case in Orange County. Alex couldn’t provide her “with the life she was accustomed to” and Alisha really wasn’t happy in Texas. She decided to moved back home under the guise that she was going to complete her nursing degree and then get a job at one of the hospitals there. What her daddy didn’t realize was she was going to be taking acting classes in her spare time. Her mother was just excited to have her back home no matter what the reason. Alex was kind of relieved she was gone she was really high maintenance and always wanted to go shopping and out to dinner.

She was now being pampered by her daddy, who really never did approved of Alex. Her father thought that he wasn’t good enough for his little girl. Sara seemed to be more settled and down to earth. She was about the same age as Alisha but there was something unusually different about her. All Alex needed to know was there were qualities that really caught his attention, that is besides her stunning good looks. No matter how hard he tried, he constantly found himself being drawn to her. It had gotten to the point that any reason he could find to be around her had become one of his main goals of each day. The only thing was he couldn’t tell if she liked him.

She was cordial and polite to him but there didn’t seem to be any chemistry between them. She seemed to be content with helping others and keenly aware of the importance of her education and work. There was also her “boyfriend”, which Jose had made it absolutely clear, that she was in love with him even though he lived in Columbia. That in Alex’s mind meant the distance gave him great opportunity and it gave him the advantage; he knew how he felt and if she was his, there would never be that much distance between them for very long. What was this guy thinking leaving her all alone? He must have been pretty sure of himself, or he was not think at all. Alex had to find a way to get her attention and change her mind about seeing him differently than she did right now

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