

Heart full of Pain.
We love someone. Someone loves us too, but for some reason we can't be with that person. We can't grow old with that person. We can't. And then heartbreak comes into the picture, we carry that heartbreak silently, without making it obvious we cry for we couldn't be with that person, we complain, we fight but somehow we let the things be the way they are, maybe because that's how it was meant to be. But it's so damn heart wrenching 💔 and most of all it hurts much coz we were not able to do anything about it, we had to accept the destiny since it was written way before we were born. Oh ! What a painful journey it is to love someone and not being with them forever as promised.

Life was never meant to be fair. So, expect and accept the misfortunes because sadly that's the reality.

© Heartthatspeaks
© afrais_me