

Elri and the Forbidden Magic
Leaves crackle on the ground as a blue fox trod over them. The blue beast looks back and forth, as if searching for something, before turning and running back the way it came. As it approaches a small house in the woods, it leaps through an open window, becoming a human upon landing. "Zungir, would you mind taking watch tonight? I'm exhausted. Though I found a trail, but nothing came up." The Orc in the kitchen steps into the room, tossing a pair of pants to his naked friend, his muscular shoulders glistening with sweat from chopping firewood. "Put these on, have some decency, Elri. Are you really sure a dark artifact is the best way to rebalance your magic?" The fox smacks the pants to the ground with his tail. "I need to do it somehow. And you know I can't wear those, what if I accidentally shapeshift while I'm wearing them?" The Orc sighs and sits down near the fireplace. Elri looks at his face, at the firelight reflecting off of his soft brown eyes, and at the tough, battlescarred flesh around them. "Maybe I'm not so tired yet, Zugs." He sits by the Orc, letting his tail rest in his lap as he leans against the big man's shoulder. The Orc doesn't seem to notice the fox until he's practically sitting in his lap. He g
wraps his arms around Elri and strokes his tail, causing the smaller man to whine. "Hey, you know my tail is sensitive..." The big Orc grins and starts to pet the fox's tail with both hands. Elri opens his mouth to complain again, but is quickly silenced by a kiss from Zungir. Elri blushes as the Orc kisses him, his hands resting on his chest. As the kiss got deeper, the Fox's hands went lower, stopping at his waist when Zungir pulled away to breathe. "Zugs, are you sure we should do this? W-what if we get attacked?" The Orc sighs and looks down. "El, I'm sure we can handle anything that comes in here. I've got the relic, i can get us out of here even if we can't fight." The fox gently traces the scars on his lover's body with his fingertips, then leans it to kiss him again, before a slam on the door interrupts them.