

End of Another Episode
The gentle breeze whizzed through the land alive with vibrant energy of graduated students. The air of accomplishments bloomed upon the completion of a purpose, their achievements abridged on the scroll of certificates held in their hand. They had studied, through enthusiasm and reluctancy, to be worthy of the blue gown and tassel cap, in the hope that years of study and time they invest will be fruitful in the future.

Indifferent, floating clouds drifted across the sky as the leaves rustled. The wind, unsuspectingly, lingered sparks of imperceptible sadness in the air. Happy sorrow was felt by friends at the partings, aware that this graduation ceremony may be the last time they set their eyes upon each other and the university they shared for the same purpose. Together with the cherished memories of unexchangeable experiences, they let the ceremony mark the end of another episode of their life.

Perhaps, years later, when classmates notice the calm sky, they would think of the graduation that day.

© Su Myat MS
Photo credit to Vasily Koloda at Unsplash

#Description #Graduation