

Walking Into The Sun
The sun was setting in the horizon. I watched it and wondered should I walk towards it or wait back. Lack of vitamin D leaves those of us living on Ireland's West Coast really feel deprived. We have a tendency to go bananas when the sun comes out and even more so when it decides to grace us with it's presence for longer periods of time. Beaches fill and no real thought is put into sunscreen or even the safe parking of our vehicles as we crave the warmth that so rarely comes our way. Jellyfish stings become common and long summer evenings are spent partying on the beaches with our friends. It was just such an evening when the music began to roar out what appeared to the naked eye to be a rock pool at the base of the cliff. Brahms lullaby of all things brought a smile to our faces as the Portuguese Men of War jellyfish formed a circle around the rock to provide a colourful glow. Then they appeared, the lovers, from the Tarot cards naked as the day they were born. I rubbed my tired eyes gently for fear I miss any of it. Was I dreaming, not at all I hasten to add, it really was a pleasure to watch as Pinnochio joined the lovers who sung in harmony as Brahms lullaby got louder in the background. Just then I woke up, such a pity!