

#Growth- by thinking
#Ananya was in grade eleven. She used to go to school by bicycle. She was getting ready to school. Her father was working in private sector and mother is a homemaker. she is the only child and obviously she was treated like a princess. She was getting everthing she wished, but she didn't crossed her limits.
She came out and said bye and moved to school. Crossing the next street her mind was thinking about that girl and she was looking here and there. Her eyes were in fear but din't stopped searching for her. She was sitting at the same place were ananya used to see her always.
She was wearing the same dress with more patches in it and full of dirty and unclean. Ananya used to think why she is always sitting here and looks everyone who cross this side, sometimes while returning from school Ananya sees her sleeping in that same place. People near by provide food for her also.
Ananya was thinking all time about this girl and she has lot of quetions running on her mind. Like why she is her? wher she came? where are her parents? won't they search for her? some more................. . If she goes and ask her mother , she will say thats not needed for you , go and do your work.
Few days later Anaya was on her periods. Suddenly she got remembered of that girl. what she will do on her periods because she doesn't move from her place are change her dress. For the first time she felt pitty for her. something striked her mind. when she was returning from school she stopped near that girl. Ran near to her , she was sleeping. Ananya slowly kept the napkin cover beside her, which she took it from home without her mothers knowledge and moved quickly from that place before anyone could see.
After reaching home, ananya was thinking about it and felt happy. As days pass , one day Ananya was calling her mother and telling her to come to the place where she used to see that girl.
Her mother came to that spot asked what aee doing here ananya? come lets kove from here.
Ananya quietly and bravely said " amma few minutes ago some mens were trying to pull this girl out and were trying behave wrong, me and few more saved her from them. This will happen again so please call the helpline centre and save the girl. Ananya's mother took her mobile and dailed the number, as she has a daughter at that age............... @beginning to future