

the perfect tragedy!
The setting was perfect. Candlelight, polished cutlery and a single rose set in a delicate vase at each table. cross me is seated the most beautiful woman in the world that i have known. there she sat, smiling as her overly wide lips stretch out as her smile travelled all the way to her eyes. I don't know which I love the most. the sparkle in her eyes or the way her smile hit her brown eyes. "this is beauty" i said to myself over again, i questioned why a beauty goddess will choose to be with me of all people, i swallowed nervously rehearsing my lines over and over in my head.

"Elisa I am seeing another person that you know and i can not see you anymore..." I shook my head to clear the thought of how she was going react to my news, I envisioned a slap followed by her wine ending up on my neathly tailored suit.....

"....are you Okay?"

I choked on my thoughts at the sound of her voice.

"sorry you were saying....oh i am fine"

I know I have been caught.

"but you don't look Good, is it the wine" she asked as she always do, too caring, too soft, too fragile, i hated myself over again for wanting to hurt her like this But there was no other way.

I cleared my throat again "Elisa" I said looking into her eyes, my guilt heavy on my chest so much i feel like i was going to be ripped open at anytime from the ache.

"I am sorry...." the waiter chose that very moment appear offering us glasses of wine along with the menu, relief and dread roll through my entity at the same time. I took a deep breath as I watch her collect the menu from the waiter....I didn't observe the waiter as he walked away....

she was looking at me at this point, she smiled so flawlessly pulling strings of sanity from deep within me and i returned it or at least i tried but it came out wrong because the look on her face changed or has it been there from the beginning I couldn't tell.
I suddenly dreaded what she was going to say, I suspected she had found me out already and i know I was ready to deal with what came after.

"Lee..." I closed my eyes as she called my name in that sing-song way she always, always does waiting what her to confront me with the truth to demand from me what i thought I was doing.

"I was hoping this will go in peace.... but i can't...." I nodded like i understood what she was saying even though I didn't. my head was over working i was thinking of the best way to make her understand why i had to make the decisions I made.

"I am getting married" she said as a matter of factly. she waited, looking at me hoping to get a reaction. but i just nodded, I nodded again.
slowly as it sank deep into my subconscious.

"Elisa ......" I managed to mutter before the cat got my tongue.I was listening to her, looking at her, i was sitting across her yet I couldn't hear anything she was obviously saying to me.

I just sat there with nothing on my mind.....no words
NOTHING.....just the perfect setting, Candlelight, polished cutlery and a single rose set in a delicate vase at each table.