

In the deadly hour of the night, Will Xes is just jogging along. Out of breath, and sweat droplets running down his face, thirsty as a fish on land when he needs it. Will takes a little break from everything. Sat on the edge, he wants to get his water bottle from the house. But... his mother, his mother from heaven brings her hands "Come Willy Boy, come!" Will couldn't believe it, he dashed and dashed to get a hug. But BAM! His supposed "mother" was just a kidnapper, then he got captured... He screamed for help, but all there was was muffled screams.
The Next Night:
He is in a basement with a gun right up to his head, the woman seems to be threatening him with whispers like "This gun will go koopa koopa right on that damn smooth brain of yours and you'll be bleeding out like a water fountain.."Will's face was covered with bandages, like she said he would bleed, his head was bleeding from a concussion the woman gave him
"Night... Will...," the woman murmured from a corner
What will Will do?