

Hollows Eve That Scary Lady In The Dust
The world is a light of hope
for some and what you can make out
of it. But For others it's a horror
on the rode to the end list. You can
get in the car and that dusty rode
leads to endless hope where that
quest for money could be. So one
lady did after getting all she could
from the nights of horror in her life
but all she could see was the pain
she was left with even if it was not
that bad. She saw pain and just start
giving out to everybody and everyone cause she had been given these things in her life time and it was just an endless
cycle of this all over. But no I don't
want no more pain but once I was given this then I got in the car. And I put on my mask and I became wicked Lady
I would get the gas and wave the gun
or a dirty bad me would say hey I could
help you around back come here. But I was thinking I am going to pull my gun
And it will not be a happy site. But I always left the scene with out messy hair
so what is the world trying to give me to day as I ride and walk once I am out my car well dress well who only knows what is out here right in the mist of a pandemic you know you all know
And two days to hollows Eve and I have not seen any candy in and around stores that is free or affordable. All I know is the sugar free kind with witch you can't eat to many cause now your sugar you got to ⌚ like a clock so you don't
get the candy like you use to as a kid.

© lashes