

the company
hello my name is mat and I promise you. we are not one in the same, stick with me you’ll know what I mean.

page #1 (not alone)
the ship rattled hard as mat moved into full orbit he laughed out loud and glanced down at the mother board and whispered hang in there baby.
he’s job was simple at least on paper. all he had to do was collect space trash and take it back to the company who would melt it down and he would get payment 💰 “simple” except for the pirates 🏴‍☠️or clans as some called them. see mat is a junker well they all are but he has been all alone out here for awhile except for 67 a ai 🤖 made to keep humans company and help them run the ship but other then 67. no clan, no plan and nothing but a outdated junker ship witch makes it hard to compete for the recourses but that was all about to change.

67 put out a radar scan for possible debris.
mat said very loudly as if the ai couldn’t hear him from his seat.
(🤖 “doing that now sir would you like me to scan for any other vessels in the area”)

mat chuckled to that response. what good would a scan be, we are the furthest blip away from every other big hub who in the right mind would go out this far he said out loud.
(🤖if I may sir I might add it’s the people in the wrong side of the mind we should be scanning for)
67 replied thinking mat was asking him a actual question

fair enough mat said run the scan then,
( 🤖 doing that now sir..um
3 organic life forms detected(⭕️—⭕️)
what in the fuc…67 Lunch shield protection systems cut fuel to half and compact whatever left over waste we have now. mat said in a caught off guard mannor . (🤖 yes sir fuel has already been cut to half an preparation for shield has begun running now)

page#2 (the hubs)
to be continued….
© shrouded