

Why last impression is important!
We might have heard this a lot of times that - "First impression is the last impression". While this may be true in certain cases, but today I thought of sharing with you all is - "Why the last impression is equally or maybe more important", and not only the first. This is not a story but random thoughts I wanted to share.

- You never know when you cross path with people again and in what situation, hence the last impression you leave/ make is of prime importance as people register/ remember that in their minds.

Experts say, “the last impression is what people take home”. People might not remember what you did, but for sure they’ll remember how you made them feel. This may also decide how people will treat you when you meet or need them again in life..

Making a good first impression is an important component of any job interview or personal interaction or to build good relationships. But equally significant is your last impression. In psychological terms, the tendency to remember first and last impressions are called the primacy or recency effect..

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