

Rope of Help
The new day was gloomy for him, he was in a state that everything seems undone to him, he was strayed. The month long of staggering and bad conflict of getting fit in the so called "Taunting Society".

With every seconds he was feeling that his life is getting into a dark tunnel, and he was transiting inside with no hope of getting any light, he was finding no option out to just rewind his life tape and just start new, it feels as if a devil is galping him in his anxiety and depression filled girth. The tunnel is full of walls each bricks commenting on his collapse in life. His long plans of settling went into the vein as the job was gone, with the microorganismic devil causing it. His mind was finding solutions but nothing comes out of it, the previous days experience and intermixed with this day where he stands alone with no salary nothing left only with few savings, the treatment of his mother there welfare would getting into a halt, the feelings the face of his parents flashed with his sister face who is studying just in class 12, a long way to go. The tunnel has left noone only the critics in the form of hard brick wall, the walls together creating a barrier of ego, respect preventing him to reach and seek help, he was now madly searching for some help and got into a rope, the unease mind with no good hopes got of hooking it along his neck and end up the gift of god and small thing he got to exist in this lovely planet. In the verge of ending his existence the scenes of his family love, the touch of his mother, the cutesy fight with his sister, the moments with his father rolled in his mind. He was ending everything thing and noone to approach. But suddenly as in this tunnel of life he took hold of the rope and try to make out from where it comes he went on pulling it hard and hard and moving front of it with more darker areas, suddenly he found the light to the other end and the rope tied to tree with its extension inside the tunnel. The dazzle of the light beamed through that small opening and clutches his whole body. The rope led to a bigger world outside. The rope changed his life he was thinking of ending his life but he end up his bad time inside the tunnel irrespective of the critics in society and staying in the environment of criticism this rope existed and changed this boys life.

Moral: We can be this "rope" if you join each other hands as we use to do in school life drills and form a chain, we can help people who are getting into the tunnels of depression or anxiety and galloped by the devil of suicide. And this rope can make the taunting walls of the tunnel realise that we are strong and we will not let anyone cow down, and one day these walls will collapse.

We can be a "Rope of Help"
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© MaK
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