

Kevin called me after 6 months today. I almost forgot about him due to my work pressure. He always behaves as if he is the most cold-hearted being on the planet, son of HADES himself, ruler of the underworld but belive me, dude got a heart of a teddy bear. I don't know but I think he didnt had a very pleasant childhood. I heard rumours that his father used to sexually assault him and used his mother as a toy for his drunken friends for the night. Well, when I reached his house I barely recognized my good old handsome friend. He was looking like a tired old satyr who haven't had a wash for a decade. His beard was looking like my great aunt Rosa's old broom head. His body was looking like someone pickled it. The small apartment smelt of ancient dust and goat shit. ''WHAT THE HECK DUDE, YOU ARE LOOKING LIKE A GODDAM CRAZY HERMIT''. Kevin gave a smile which gave me a chill on my spine. He said, ''well look who is here.........Mr. Journalist.....I am very much obliged to have your presence in my nest". This gave me an assurance that my friend was still not out of his mind. Before I could ask him about his health he asked,"Ever heard of therianthropology...??""what....what logy, barely can pronounce it....".
He started his lecture,
"hmmm.....I see you don't even have a slightest of the knowledge about it. Then then listen quietly and don't talk rubbish in between. So, therianthropology is the mythological ability of a human being to metamorphose into other animals by the means of shapeshifting. It is possible that the cave drawings found at Les Trois Frères, In France, depict the ancient belive in this concept. well known stories concerning this is our very well known werewolf. Theriocephaly or animal headedness refers to a being which has a head of an animal attached to a human body.....like the ancient Egyptian Gods like Sobek and Anubis. But these to are different." "But I don't think you called me after this long 6months to give a lecture about a topic which I can barely pronounce, by the way I didnt knew that you also have such mythological ideas around the globe other than your demonological knowledge.".
He didnt take my compliment compliments seriously but cleared my doubts.
"Joseph.....my dear Joseph, you are getting intelligent day by day. well I am sure that you haven't heard of Sancordem. It is not out of state, It is here in Goa. It will take hardly 4 hours. Go pack yours bags for a a weeks outing."
"But why Sancordem???"
"To catch our theriothropist, dear Joseph!!"