

Single Doctor...(Part 2)

PART:- 02.

At next morning, Maitreyi & Anashvan get ready for their college and have a breakfast together on a dinning table. At that time, Anashvan was first to come on dinning table on time at sharp 7:45 am, while Maitreyi as always came to late on dinning table for breakfast. Anashvan says, " Can't u come on time at least for breakfast regularly?" Maitreyi by yawning comes & makes angry face & says, "It's my habit that I take my breakfast at 8:00 am. Do you have any problem with it?"
Anashvan tease her and remind her that she should be a well-disciplined girl & always talk neatly to anyone. He asked, "Have you forgot all the sessions we had taken before for you?"
Maitreyi rolls her eyes and came in front of Anashvan and greet him "Good morning". Anashvan says, "Good morning to you also. Come on fast finish your breakfast otherwise he will go alone to college & she must come to college in bus."😂😂 At sharp 8:00am they both take all stuff and goes to college in his car.
He stops his car and tell Maitreyi that you can go now to your club & I will go to my class. Maitreyi go to Baseball court to play baseball with her friends. Anashvan also go to Court to see the play of Maitreyi in Baseball. Maitreyi and her team & her opposite team starts to play the match. The score came upto 5-6. To win the match, Maitreyi hits the ball & by mistakenly Anashvan come between and the ball hits to Anashvan fast. He gets hit by a baseball. He turns to see Maitreyi apologising for hitting him. He chatises
her for deliberately hitting him with the ball. He reminds her of the consequences she can face for hitting someone & she reluctantly apologises to him.
Annoyed, Maitreyi calls Kiran and be like always he appears right behind her. This time his sudden appearance surprises her & she trips & he holds her in his arms. She asks him to let her go & he justifies that standing like this close will convince people of their relationship. She takes him aside & scolds him for doing those bad things wiithout her permission & he admits that she can never really stop winning about everything. During they were talking, a red car then comes near them & Kiran introduces Maitreyi to his boyfriend Samaksh. Samaksh is glad to meet Maitreyi & he thnx her for helping Kiran by hiding their relationship. He tells her that Kiran has told him everything about you & she feels upset about it. Kiran then plays a song to cheer her up...
Still angry about Anashvan bossing around her, Maitreyi decides to takes a matter into her hand and get herself from the "Slavery Contract". Then she goes to his room & is ecstatic seeing the contract lying on his study table. But before she can tear it off, Anashvan enters in his room & asks her to bow before him just like he has taught her to. She drops the contract of floor & bows before him with a wide grin on her face. He spots the contract fallen down behind her & tells her to task for it. He says she tried to destroy contract for which she will have to bear a hard punishment. Them, he shouted on her 😡, "What you are doing in my room? And why are you trying to tear Contract? Don't you want to live here?"
Maitreyi gets so shocked by seeing his angry face & behaviour. She came to know that he will give me a punishment & starts to cry slowly😭. She tries to get away from this room and walk near the door. Suddenly, Anashvan holds her hand from back of her & turns her towards him. Then, he gives 2 options of either having her handed over the Police for breaking into his room like thief or she goes back to the room she has rented the night before she shifted into his house. She screams, and cries loudly and says " You are too rash on people & never even gives them a chance to explain the reason behind their actions." He then asks her to explain her actions. She answers that she was driven into the corner by him as he was too strict with her. Understanding her, he mildly asks her to go back to her room.

Next day, Anashvan got ready and packs his stuff and go for breakfast. Then at that time, Maitreyi appears in front of him & doesn't greet him nor ate breakfast & goes to college alone by bus angrily. Anashvan, got the point that what's going in her mind and why she is angry.. Anashvan makes her tiffin & he also leaves for college in car.
Here, Maitreyi on the Tennis Court takes out her frustration by practising hard while opened hair & she gets hurted to her wrist, from where blood is continuously flowing. And cried loudly & sat between the court.
Later she calls Kiran and they leave together in front of her friends who appear to be jealous of her. He asks Maitreyi about how things are going with Anashvan & she rants how horrible is to live with a dictator like him. He consoles her and advises her to be little more accepting of his brother's nature coz, he is inherently a very good guy will surely be nice to her.
Taking Kiran's advice, Maitreyi decides to be a good girl for once as a smirk crosses her face.
Nearly about, Maitreyi go home at 5:30pm by saying Bye to Kiran. Finally she appear at home with broad smile face. She freshes her up and go near Anashvan's room. She knocks on Anashvan's door and greets him with her best smile. He asks her as she did the "Greet" without him having to remind her of it. He then tells her that she will be taking Cooking lessons today. On that time, 😂 a fake smile on her face vanishes within a second. He starts by cooking a dish while she observes him cooking. He then hands her a book & tells her that she has 1 hour to prepare the remaining 2 dishes. She runs behind him & calls him out on cheating her by demonstrating how to prepare fried veggies & then expecting her to prepare difficult dishes in 1 hour😨😧?? He tells her that all the instructions & ingredients are written in the books & so all she has to follow what is written in the book. She gripes about him being unfair to her & he reminds her that her complaining has already lost 3 minutes, she continue babbles something like Bla..Bla.. & he adds another 1 minute in it. Scared Maitreyi, runs to the kitchen by not wasting any single second / minute.
After, 1 hour Maitreyi serves all the food on the dinning table & asks Anashvan to his review. He tastes the soup and then asks her to taste to know what she has made & how it is in taste? She chokes up the soup & he points out that she must learn to behave herself & her cooking skills as possible as she can. She protests that sitting calmly with such bad food is impossible her to eat. He then goes on to eat her soup & she feel surprised that he is eating the soup even when it tastes so awful. He tells her that throwing away the food is not the solution to her problem. Instead, eating the soup will help her to learn from her mistakes & next time she will know what to add and what not to add in the soup. She still looks a little reluctant to eat the soup so he tells her that to eat the other 2 dishes which she does happily. Glad to be eating such well-cooked food she praises her cooking skills & that time he scolds her for speaking with food in mouth which makes her roll her eyes in annoyance.
After food Anashvan tells Maitreyi to do the dishes but she winces in pain each time she tries to wash the dishes. He asked by looking at her wrist, "What happen?" She tells him about the sprain she suffered while practising at Tennis Court in the morning. Then, he asks her to leave the dishes and wait for him in other room. He washes remaining dishes and dry his hand. He then brings the First Aid Kit & gets ointment & a crepe bandage.
And, he massages the ointment he asks her to tell him in case he is being too hard & for fun, she pretends to be in the pain because of him. He does not appreciate her joke , and she chuckles saying that it is fun to tease him. In return, he scolds her for being thankless to the person he is helping her. Maitreyi says in mind, "Sheee..!!😏 This guy is not fun at all.." Seeing him angry she begs him to forgive her & her cute antics elicit a slight smile on his face & Maitreyi knows that they are good for now. She then asks him why he took up Medical Science as Master as Surgeon as his subject / career & he replies that since childhood some poor people's as well as childrens got very dangerous disease and even they don't have enough money to get operate for their disease. I start hating this. I always thought that I will become a surgeon and will treat poor peoples without taking money from them. So he decided to become a Surgeon one day.
She sighs that, unlike him she still does not know what she wants to do in her life. He tells her that she can still find out that what she likes to do the most. She then starts to think what she likes the most & ends up dozing off in her place. Anashvan is unable to find his smile looking at her sleep and gently put her to sleep on the couch as their faces remain just inches away. Next morning, Maitreyi wakes up and heads to the washroom where she is startled to see Anashvan is taking shower. She screams at him for taking shower at her bathroom and warns him of trying to harm her in any way just because she lives with him. He calmly states that she is the one who is in his room. He then walks closer to her & says that she is someone who can never turn him on, in fact a girl like her only turns off him. Then, she angrily decides to check if he means what he says so she goes up to him to help her to take off her top because she is unable to do so because of her injured wrist. Seeing him stunned, she trades him for blushing & never seen a naked girl before. He reprimands her for throwing herself at him like that & she retorts that he need not worry as she has a solution ready for her dilemma. Then, he takes an eye mask and put on his eyes and stood in front of Maitreyi. She waves in front of him to check if he cannot really see anything. She then guides his hands to her top. She raises her hands & ask him to lift to top up trough her head. He moves his hand over her waist & pulls the top off as she stands with her closed eyes with Embarrassment. She quickly cover herself with that top and ran at bathroom while he takes deep breathe before taking of an eye mask. Maitreyi murmur to herself , "I think I could hear his heartbeats out of his chest."
Before dropping Maitreyi at the University, he invites her to watch his match later in the day & she says that she will be there on time. At the Basketball game, Maitreyi's friends cannot stop cheering for Anashvan and she shouts on them for doing so. Later they catch her ogling at him and she cutely denies checking him out. Like a handsome hero, Anashvan scores a few impressive baskets and all the girls screams by his name.. while Maitreyi cannot help smiling at his great performance. After the match, girls came all around him for a selfies & he gladly obliges them as Maitreyi observes from the stands. She then saw an attitude girl with a towel & cold drink can approaching Anashvan. She wipes his sweat & offers him Cold drink which he drinks with a huge smile while, Maitreyi goes with jealousy😜..
After sometime they both come home, Anashvan tells Maitreyi that she has to learn cooking irrespective of her injury & she tries to seduce him to get of the chore😝😂. She playfully runs her fingers over his chest & he squirms as he tries to move away from her. He finally relents but under condition that Maitreyi will watch how he cooks. Elated, she jumps on him thanking him for letting her slip this time & her craziness elicits another cute smile on his face. Maitreyi says (in mind), "Woohhh, he looks damn cute while smiling." He starts cooking and she keeps observing by sitting on table quietly like a baby😘. {How cute na??}
At the dinner table, Maitreyi gets excited over the tasty food by getting it's delicious smell all over the house & this time Anashvan allows her to forget her manners he taught her before for a while. She then reminiscence the time she ate with her parents late time😖.. & gets down to her childish antics which make Anashvan laugh hard. Maitreyi as usual says (in mind) , "Ahh, He's so cute!!!" She then joins him back at the dinning table for dinner & asks him about his past GF. He confesses that he has never had a girlfriend before because he wants to be certain of whom he is falling for & when he falls in love he want it to be just the 'one' special girl for him. She then asks about "Urvi" who was at basketball match with her holding water & cold drink for her & he clarifies that she is no one like you think. And, nothing is going between them. They are just classmates. She asks him if his hobby is to collect watches & he nods his head in admittance. She tells her hobby to him is to eating delicious food all the time & posting pics on social media. He laughs at it. She tells him that posting pics on Social media gives you a mind charm that he will not know until he has do once in a day. They finishes their food & wash their dishes and go to their rooms.
Later at her room, Maitreyi ponders over her stuff and sit on bed and thinks what she likes before & she remembers an old pocket watch, which is so close to her & it's not working now anymore. She then take it to Anashvan, requesting him to repair the pocket watch for her. He says that he can try fixing it as possible he could because, the watch is so old and it might be difficult. He asks get why she wants to fix it if she has new one. And, she answers that the clock is so valuable to her. She then cutely admits that as a kid she wanted to be clock repairer because she believed that if she could fix watches she could also fix the time that has passed before 😌😁 . She asks him the reason behind his fixation with clocks since childhood. He adds that time controls everything in everyone's life but, no one can 3ver control time which is why he loves to collect timepieces watches to remind himself of never committing a grave mistake because he will not able to turn back time and correct it. She then teases him that he is liking her..😂😂 .
He laughs it off but she pesters him to admit that he likes her 😰. 😳 To her surprise he rises from his chair and grabs her by his arms. He says , "He does like her." 😍 And ,then he come front of her and get his face near her face and leans in for a kiss. 😜 They had a deep kiss. Suddenly, Maitreyi's phone rings with her Mom's call. As soon as they realized that someone was calling , they parted aways...!! 🤐😳 & by she rans into her room in panic. He also didn't understand what happens between both of us. He was also feeling ashamed of him 😝& lay down on his bed for sleep😳. She went to her room and picked up the call and started crying loudly. And says, "Mom, when are you coming?? I am missing you and dad so much. After 1 month, you called me now ?? How rash you are mom?? I don't want to talk to you. So, plz don't ever call to me mom." And, she cut her call 😭. Anashvan was hearing the conversation of Maitreyi and her mom. But, he didn't interrupts in them & he turns to go to room. Suddenly, she cries so loudly 😭😭 and switch off the room's light & sat behind the bed. Anashvan feel so bad about her & knocks on the door. Maitreyi said, "Please don't disturb me. I am ok and sorry for making noise." Anashvan replies, "It's ok don't open the door, but don't cry it's not good for your health Maitreyi. I can understand. Take your time. We will talk tomorrow." ,and he goes back to his room.

( Let's see, Will Maitreyi share her feelings with Anashvan & can they both face each other after their kissing night?? in next part. Stay tuned.)

- Janvi Khot 1709.


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