

The echoes of love
Setting: A dimly lit room filled with memories. A small table sits in the center, adorned with a few scattered items: a ring, a box of chocolates, a diary, a single rose, and a framed photo of the couple. Soft, melancholic music plays in the background. [Scene 1: The Room]
(The camera pans over the items on the table, lingering on each one as the music swells. A voiceover begins.)
Voiceover (Girlfriend):
“They say time heals all wounds... but what do you do when every moment feels like an echo of what once was?”
(Cut to the girlfriend, SARAH, sitting on the edge of her bed, staring blankly at the table.) [Scene 2: The Ring]
(SARAH picks up the ring, holding it delicately between her fingers.)
“You promised me forever...”
(She glances at her hand, where the ring once sat.)
“Now it’s just a reminder of a love that slipped away.”
(Tears fill her eyes as she places the ring back down.) [Scene 3: The Chocolates]
(SARAH reaches for the box of chocolates. She opens it slowly, revealing a few pieces left inside.)
“Remember our first date? You brought these... said they were my favorites.”
(She smiles briefly before her expression turns somber.)
“Now they taste like bittersweet memories.”
(She closes the box and sets it aside, wiping away a tear.) [Scene 4: The Diary]
(SARAH opens the diary and flips through pages filled with their shared moments.)
“Every page tells our story... laughter, dreams, plans for tomorrow.”
(Her voice cracks as she reads a passage.)
“What do I do with all these dreams now?”
(She closes the diary with a heavy heart and rests her head on it.) [Scene 5: The Rose]
(SARAH picks up the wilted rose, its petals falling apart in her hands.)
“You gave me this on our anniversary... said it would never wilt.”
(She holds it close to her heart.)
“But even roses can’t withstand time.”
(She lets the petals fall to the floor, symbolizing lost love.) [Scene 6: The Photo]
(Finally, SARAH picks up the framed photo of them together, laughing and happy.)
“This was us... before everything changed. Before we became strangers.”
(She traces his face with her finger.)
“I miss your laugh. I miss your warmth.”
(Her voice breaks as she places the photo back down gently.) [Scene 7: The Final Goodbye]
(SARAH stands up and walks to the window, looking out at the world outside. The music swells as she speaks softly to herself.)
“Maybe one day I’ll find peace in these memories... but for now, they’re just echoes of love lost.”
(She wipes away her tears and takes a deep breath. The camera zooms in on her face as she finds a glimmer of hope amidst the sadness.) [Scene 8: Closing Shot]
(The camera focuses on the table one last time, capturing each item as if they hold stories waiting to be told. The music fades slowly as SARAH walks away from the window.)
Voiceover (Girlfriend):
“Goodbye doesn’t mean forever... it just means I’ll carry you with me in every heartbeat.” [Fade Out]
(The screen goes dark as soft sobs can be heard in the background, leaving viewers with an aching sense of nostalgia and loss.) End Scene.

© Stuti Trivedi