

The Birthday Dog
Kookie the Dog has turned seventeen years old on Wednesday July 15, 2020. She was born on 7/15/2003. This dog is grateful to be alive. She is also thankful to be healthy. Nonetheless, she won't be leaving the house or having any company right now. She will remain socially distanced until the Coronavirus cases go down. The dog doesn't want to make anyone sick and she definitely does not want to kill anyone with Covid 19.
As a police dog and president of the stuffed animals, Kookie's father has mandated a stay-at-home order to prevent the spread of the virus. He has also required employees to work from home and the students to take online classes during this global pandemic. He refuses to jeopardize the health, safety, and well-being of anyone. He has friends and family members who are doctors, other health care workers, and scientists at large.
He does not want to overwhelm them or the health care system. Thus, he has issued a lockdown for his citizens. His daughter, the birthday dog, chose to celebrate her birthday in the living room. She is appreciative of her tablet and the television set, which keep her busy and informed.