

The Beach Of Love
hi I'm Alyssa and I'm writing this story because it's something new for you all to read and I love writing stories I hope you enjoy

I entered the cafeteria expecting to be laughed at and made fun of but for some reason when people looked at me they had a hint of fear in their eyes and ran away. Confused I went to the back table where I always ate my breakfast , grabbing my apple out of my backpack I saw a necklace with a black pendant when I touched it it turned blood red, I dropped it, shocked by what I had just saw. I picked it up again and this time put it on. The second I put it on My crush walked up to me and sat down. Hi he said
..I..h. hi... y..yester I stutterd
He laughed
we started talking about football and the big project we have to do for history class. When the bell rang we said goodbye and headed to our lockers. That night I got a text from Yester
Yester: Hey meet me at love beach 6:30 tmorw
Me: Sure , but why?
With no reply I went to bed
I got up,got dressed and grabbed an apple while putting on my shoes I got a text from Yester
Yester: you almost here
Me: leaving the house now
When I got there I was able to find him early as I listed he has playing my favorite song pasta by new rules so I smiled and said hi he turned the volume down some and hugged me then we started talking and playing games till dark when our fun was unterupted by a scream in the nearby woods when I turned around yester was gone I shouted his name but no response so I turned the volume up on the beatbox and held it tight I even tied it to me I saw a shadow and next thing I knew I was in a dark room alone but tied to a chair and there where stitches down my arm I saw the shadow again and when I woke up I was sadtly in my bed and I got ready for school but when I got there I was late so I ran to class and when my teacher saw me she started stuttering and asked where my homework was I reached into my backpack and it was filled with black goo so I just dropped it and she asked what was wrong I said nothing but looked into my backpack again and there was no black goo so I grabbed my homework and handed it to her then rushed to my seat ,that night when I went to bed there was black goo in my bed I just payed down thinking it was another allusion but it was real this time so when I payed down it instantly burned my skin I caught fire and next thing I knew I was in a flowery feild with yester he was shaking me Shouting .... find out the rest in my next book