

An Evening With Tea (Episode-1)
“Do you think that human are supposed to live fully or is it just a mirage created by someone?” Shuaib dropped the question in the middle of a quiet breeze. We were having tea in silence as we usually do when the sun sets. We did talk about stuffs, like normal friends stuff, how are you?, how was your day?, relationship advices and a little bit gossip, etc. But lately he has been quiet. Whenever I asked him, is something wrong? he always says that nothing is wrong. So when he asked this question out of the blue I was a bit surprised.
“Well, I don’t know maybe it is or maybe it’s not. Depends on your perspective?” Shuaib nodded as I answered his question then everything became silent again as we started enjoy the sun going down, drowning in the oblivion.
“I think that no human can possibly live a life that where he doesn’t think I have lived my life to the full. “ Shuaib said.
“Why do you think that?” I asked.
“I have been thinking a lot lately about life, and what it means to be alive, and how do you live a life where you have no regrets.” He was fiddling his feet.
“so did you reach at any conclusion?” I sipped the tea and found that my cup was empty. So I picked up the kettle to fill up my cup as I offered to fill Shuaib.
“Not really. Do you think there is a conclusion to this question?” he asked.
“Probably not. If we had an answer then life would become easy, no? But we human were never suppose to have an easy life.” I said. “I can understand why are you thinking about these kind of stuffs. I think at a certain point we start to realise that we can’t avoid death. We actually always know that we are going to die we just don’t want to think about it, but for how long. It is inevitable so we might as well know what kind of life we want to live so that we have no regrets or very less regret.”
“Hmm. So how do you live like that?” Shuaib asked.
“I have no idea. Maybe that’s how. We are all uncertain about life because it is scary to think about that you don’t know what is going to happen in the next moment or far in the future. But uncertainty is the root cause of all progress and development. When you don’t know about something you try to learn about that thing. You progress and develop through learning. Try to think of a scenario when you know everything, will you have fun or curiosity doing that thing? We want to experience or learn something because we are curious and we don’t know, and through that we progress. And hopefully live a good life.” I said as I was giving more thought on the topic. Shuaib just hummed to my declaration and closed his eyes.
“So we should be living life not knowing anything or as little as possible. So that we live to learn and experience more new ways and things. I guess that makes sense to me.” Shuaib said.
“I am glad it does otherwise I don’t have any other answer for you or even for myself.” I said. Everything was getting dark as the sun shifted to the other side of the globe. Our cups were empty now, and we stood to go back to that uncertain life to find out what it has stored for us tonight.
© D. Alqama