

The Elementrials
Chapter 5

Lyra smiled up at the strange woman, "I live here, ma'am. Our home is further in." The woman had a strange look pass across her face. She didn't understand why either. "Why do you live so far into the black forest?" The woman asked her. Lyra shrugged before smiling, "Momma and Pappa love the quiet of the forest. I love it here as well. I didn't know the forest had a name though."

"So do you know anything about the world outside this forest?" The woman asked Lyra in a rather serious sort of tone. "Not really why? What does the outside world have to do with me?" Lyra was starting to not really like this woman to well. "Well for one thing the world is ruled by a queen chosen by the elements before she is even born. She can hear them and control them. At the moment the world is in chaos because the new queen, or princess as she is called before she is queen, has not been brought forward." "You still haven't told me what this has to do with me. Why should I care about the outside world?" Lania was shocked that this child didn't understand what she was to the world.

Lania thought for a moment as she looked down at her daughter Mia, "Do you know what the princess is to look like?" She could see the confusion, frustration but also curiosity cross the girls face. "No. Why do you ask?" Lania sighed as she had expected that answer, "I ask because she will have stark white hair pale or porcelain skin. Rosie cheeks and ice blue eyes. Does that sound familiar?" The child looked shocked and then anger streaked across her eyes. The effect was rather terrifying for Lania. "Your lieing. Your just trying to ruin everything we have here with lies." The girl raised her chin up high before adding, "My name is Lyra Silvara and you will not ruin anything for us."

Lania shock her head. She knew this would be difficult when the queen sent Mia and herself on this quest. They were to check the dark places and the thick forests few venture. She never thought that the first forest she checked she'd find the princess.

Chapter 6 to be posted tomorrow 6/1/2021......

© A.R.Kaetterhenry
©Amanda R. Kaetterhenry
© A.R.Thorn
© A.R.Kicinski
© A.R.Eddy
©Amanda Golden-Flidais
©Synessa Rinna Altiria
©Althiea Brayan Silvara