

Is Suicide A Solution?
Is suicide a solution?
I do agree you have lost, and you are left with nothing that you desire for.
But, Is suicide a solution?
I know you are depressed about things around you, and dark has been draped around.
Although, Is suicide a solution?
There may be more ups and negative crowds.
Yet, Is suicide a solution?
You have lost but not dissolved, there is a way out and only your patience and confidence at your tough time will find its way.
Many times, besides our desires, there are most beautiful things which are hidden. Why don't we see that when the things that we planned to opt for jump out of our hands?
Getting depressed about people and things that don’t have a liking to be part and parcel of our life really deserves us?
Are they worth our precious life?
We have learnt from our history that, from the strongest to the weakest, From a virtuous sage to cruel demons and even a god who took incarnation had to leave this earth, and we all are not an exception to this.
Then why are we in a hurry to finish it soon and tame our life with a title of incompleteness?
There are many in this universe who are suffering to meet basic needs, To feel what real love and care is all about, and many are sustaining fearlessly, no matter whether they are physically or mentally impaired. Why don't we think of meeting these needs? Why do we always cater to our own needs and think life is subsumed without getting it fulfilled?
When things of your own don't meet your expectations, try to find those who are in such need and be the reason for its fulfillment.
Life is much beautiful when we give rather than take it to ourselves.
And those who cross these hurdles surely have a life of bliss.
Keep your hope alive.
Whenever you feel down and think you are all alone, give your time to spend with nature.
Feel the liveliness in its elements.
Even after numerous sacrifice it made, the pain it endured, it stands strong and still.
What happens if it thinks to end itself without a thought about all of us?
So we do call her the mother, and she's being devoted all the time.
One or the other day we have to return to her womb.
When you exert tough in living for yourself, give a try in living for some other cause that's hankering for helping hands.
You may not get everything you desire for, but you get all that you are deserved for. So give up on your desires and earn deservedness.
Suicide is not a solution.
Life is nothing but choices that you have to make in every moment between good and bad, truth and lie, to hold on or to give up and many such things.
Of course, its applicability is tough when you are fighting hard battles, but it's not impossible.
The one who makes a wise choice is a warrior of life.
Make a wise choice and make every struggle beautiful.

#Motivate #lessonlearned #stopsucide