

Miss Flair found Grandma...
A girl named Flair was wandering into the woods,
It was getting dark...
Miss Flair fell into a dig , somehow she managed to come out but she lost her map..
Now she was alone...not knowing where to go.
She saw a small cottage, There was a little light coming from the window.
First she was hesitant to ask for shelter but there was no other option...and it was night time,she had to find a safe place to stay...
So somehow she gathered courage and decide to go there.
Knock knock!
Who is there?
Please open the door,I am miss flair.
An old lady opened the door..
Oh welcome welcome! dear child!
What brings you here,
Flair: Grandma! walking in the woods,I lost my map ,I thought of going back,but I don't know which route to go ...Can I stay here?
Old lady: "Offcourse ,My child!
it's my pleasure that someone accompanies this old lady.
Grandma touching her head with her blessing hands.
Flair saw some cuts and wounds on
Grandma 's hands.
She asked, Grandma!what are these cracks and wounds,they are not even healed.it must be painful.
Old lady: Dear child! Pain is a word and feeling that can only be shared,if someone is with you...
To listen and lessen your hurts.
Flair: Grandma! Applying some herbs on them would help.
Old lady: although I live this place, where not only trees but even grasses are filled with goodness of healing.My eyesight has become too weak to recognise them.
Flair: Grandma! Don't worry,I am here on my expedition to collect and learn more about herbs.Being a traditional medicine student,
These florals leaves and herbage have become my companion in this journey.
Give me one second, Grandma!
Dear child! Where are you going?
Wait for me grandma,I will come back soon.
Miss Flair brought some green leaves and twigs and grinded them on grindstone.
Flair: Grandma! Show me your hands .
Old lady: It's ok my child! These are just little wounds,will be recovered with the passage of time.
But Flair kept insisting so Grandma agreed for the treatment.
Flair stayed there for few days, applied medicines and herbs,and took care of the old lady.
Grandma was getting well day by day.
One day Flair was lost in her thoughts,and grandma saw her, sitting so quietly on the cot,
What happened dear child? Why are you looking upset,
Grandma,I miss my parents,they must be worried about me,I think I need to go back,but in these days I have been so attached to you,I will miss you Grandma,
She ran into Grandma's arms.
Don't worry my child,My blessings are always with you, I will help you to find your way to home,I am living here for years.
Thank you Grandma.
Old lady helped her to get out of the jungle...
Now Miss Flair was going to her home,but still missing the days ,she spent with Grandma.
She told her parents about her,they said,
They would like to meet Grandma,and thank her for this great help..
After few days, Flair went with her parents to Grandma's home.
But she couldn't find her.
She started crying, Where have you gone Grandma, please come back...
They searched for her, And saw her sitting near a river.Miss Flair was so happy to see her,
She said, "Grandma,why are you here?
Dear child,My health is deteriorating...I was feeling sick,so I thought of taking a walk,but I felt giddy so I sat here to take some rest.
Flair said,"Now you have to come with us,or I won't go back...
her parents also requested her to go with them to their home.
Miss Flair,her parents and Grandma came back to Home .
Now they lived happily like a family,her parents found a mother in the old Grandma,
and for Flair,it was the best gift she has ever got.
Because who don't love listening fairytales from grandma.
Dear readers! I hope you like this little tale of Flair and Grandma.

©Pri Poetry 💫