

A tangled heart with golden feather 🪶
I'm not sure where to start. Although not all relationships last forever, they leave us with unforgettable memories and leave a mark on our hearts. I'm talking about my friends here. Friendship, which develops after adolescence, defines an individual's state of mind. I met these two lovable idiots during my UG time, which is still unreadable chit-chat and conversation. Young hearts flew far and wide, unconcerned about the boys around us. There will be no flirting with boys, only sightings, which will be endless, and the way of sharing stuff and discussing life shits at college will always be awesome. I long for those days when I was young.
It's obvious that I've visited most of the best places around campus with these two idiots and had a good time. One of the most memorable days was when we three went on a boat ride and returned home within a few hours.
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