

"Tis so Sweet."
"Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus just to take him at his word.". "What a friend we have in Jesus." We all know these songs that are old, but they still ring true today, and until you and I realize that it takes a storm to come into our lives, and it takes sickness and suffering to come into our lives to understand these words, and to really comprehend what these words mean. We like to blame stuff on God when life is not going right, and when you are with life is like a sailboat rocking in the waves, and when the wave starts to take over the sailboat we become scared and we become afraid and we lose our faith and we lose our hope and we take our eyes off the one who walks on the water. when we don't understand why we're going through what we're going through we can tend to tell God, but why God are you putting me through this.
Why God are you making me sick in my body I can't hardly go anymore, and why God are the waves coming at me bad. It's fine to ask questions to God but it's never fine to put the blame on God. you see how can we know that Jesus is a friend when we don't need him as a friend? how can we know that Jesus will fight for us when we never need him to help us? how can we know that he will be a fence around us to protect us when you plead don't need to cry out for protection?
The most amazing thing about God is he took the cross, and he never complained about the suffering about the back pain, and the nails in his hands no he never complained him I'm pulling his beard out nohe never complained about them beating him to wooden pole. he never complained about them putting the cat Ninetales upon his back no he never complained, but I could hear him say I love my children I love my children even when they don't want to, I love when they want to disobey me and go the other way. This Jesus poured out himself on that cross even when we would forsake him. he gave all that he had at the cross for us. "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.'
by: Keith