

Life Lessons (4)
Two females, who happened to be twins. Ashleigh and Aaliyah. Aaliyah was the oldest and Ashleigh was the youngest by a few minutes.

Ashleigh is in a happy relationship with her boyfriend Justin. They are together for 6 years now. Aaliyah however is single and is very jealous of her sister. She wants to ruin her relationship with Justin because Justin told her that he's ready to marry her and he's going to propose to her and he needs Aaliyah to help him. She agrees but she has a plan to sabotage everything. Justin asks Aaliyah to make him a cup of coffee, she agrees. She makes his coffee and adds sleeping pills. Justin drank it, he felt really tired, so he went to his room, as soon as he got there he was fast asleep on the bed. Aaliyah decides to remove all his clothes as well as hers, she makes him and her dirty and she laid next to him,pretending to be asleep.
Ashleigh came back home from work. She was tired and was looking for Justin, until she heard music coming from her bedroom, as soon as she steps in, she sees her sister and boyfriend in bed together covered in a white substance which looks like sperm. She took a picture of them and left.
A few days later, Justin, Aaliyah, His family and Her family were standing at a graveyard, burying Ashleigh. Ashleigh got into a horrible accident which claimed her life after seeing her boyfriend and sister in the same bed.

Be happy for others even when you're not getting what you truly want, need or desire. Never ever be jealous of other people and their blessings. What God has for you is special and made for you and you alone. Don't hurt other Because of envy,jealousy, hate.
God has a specific time for your blessings to come through, be patient and have faith in him.

Stay safe.
Stay blessed
© TJ