

Pixel Shift part 3
~ Chapter 2 ~
Attentions drawn and Mysteries discovered

Zora was walking down Mainstreet, gazing around at the different people and shops set up along the way; he spun around to stare at someone who caught his eye; he ended up bumping into someone. He turned around to see a young girl in a brown cloak, the hood up over her head. She looked familiar, I know you, he thought. Her clothes were old and worn, a tad bit too small.
“I'm sorry, my bad.” Zora apologized for bumping into her, smiling good-heartedly.
“It's okay, but I was wondering if you would hire me to support you in the dungeon?” She asked, looking up at him. It was then that he realized he knew who she was, the girl he'd saved in the alley; Zora smiled and nodded.
"Are you sure you're capable, wouldn't want you to get hurt." Zora asked, leaning against the glass. She nodded, holding out her license, it ranked her quite high. Every adventurer had a license; it was both a legal thing and a safety concern.
“Wouldn’t mind at all, come on,” he replied humorously as he broke off in a run, heading towards the dungeon. The girl chased after him; the breeze ripped her hood from her head, letting her short brown hair flow in the wind.
Zora came to an abrupt stop in front of the dungeon entrance; looking back, she was slowly catching up, skidding to a halt beside him.
“Hey, what's yo-” he began.
“Lilly.” She replied before he finished his sentence.
“What?” He asked, a little confused.
“My name, it's Lilly.” She replied, clarifying herself; he nodded in response and entered the cave; Lilly eyed the blade he pulled from his belt, a hunger in her eyes that could only be described as the hunger of a thief.
Zora made his way through the dungeon, the first few creatures were no problem, and he cleared through them easily, but as he got deeper, they became more difficult. Zora sliced through several giant spiders before stepping into an open room; a slime squeezed through the cracks of the wall, it made awful squelching sounds as it maneuvered towards them. Zora vaporized it without a second thought, using firebolt, a spell he'd learned recently. But the sounds backfired, drawing a group of giant ants into the cave; these guys are annoying, he thought. But at least they have a chance of dropping money when they die. He sliced the head off the leader; its body disintegrated, a couple of items fell, some coins, an old dagger, and a gem. He swiped the legs from under an ant about to attack Lilly, killing it with a swift slice, cutting it in half.
“Hey! Lilly, Head in the game, eyes on your enemies.” Zora told her, tossing the dagger dropped by the ant. “I'd like to keep you alive, please.” He smiled after that last part, it was supposed to be a joke, but Lilly was too busy looking away to hide the guilt in her eyes that she forgot to laugh. The reason she almost died was that she had been eyeing his belt, trying to determine the best way to swipe his Blade. The bow on his back might get a bronze coin at best, but that knife he had would be quite the investment, two gold coins at most.
“Hey Lilly.” Zora interrupted her thoughts, looking concerned.
“Y-yeah?” She asked, wondering fearfully if he'd noticed her contemplating theft.
“Are you okay?” Zora asked, taking her hand. She looked down; her ears burned with resentment. No, I’m trying to steal from you! Stop paying so much attention to me. She thought as she pushed the predicament to the back of her mind and replied.
“Yes, I'm fine.” She looked up at him and smiled. He nodded, seemingly convinced, and started down a tunnel. Lilly hurried after him, scanning her surroundings for enemies as she went.
“We're looking for. . . Hmmm”, he said, looking down at the paper.
“That's too hard to pronounce. . .” Lilly chuckled at his troubles. “Oh, forget it; it's a giant red centipede.”
“Let me guess; you didn't win the Spelling Bee.” She replied jokingly. What's this, I've never felt like this with an adventurer before, am I having fun!? Lilly wondered through her smile.
“My class didn't ha-” he suddenly leaped at Lilly, knife swinging right for her throat. A determined look on his face, he did notice, he just lured me further to kill me here.
“Ahhhh, wait no!” Lilly yelled, ducking, and closing her eyes tightly. She waited a few moments; then she felt something dripping on her head. She looked up to see two dark red pincers inches from her head; saliva dripped down them as they strained to break Zora's knife, which held them from coming closer. A giant centipede, it’s pincers were as big as her, and its body was proportionally as big. It’s green eyes glared down at Zora, seemingly angry that he was being such a nuisance.
“Quick, take my bow and arrows, shoot at its eyes!” Zora ordered, grunting with effort. She nodded and grabbed the bow along with the arrows; she dashed backward, aiming for the giant red centipede’s left eye and fired off a few shots. One hit, and the centipede recoiled as green blood drizzled down its armored body; Zora took the chance to hack off its pincers. It made an awful screeching sound before it reared and slammed its body down, causing a shockwave knocking Zora back, but he was ready slashing off a few of its many legs as he rolled past. He leaped onto the giant bug's back; its body made an eerie clicking noise as it reared up. He tried slashing it in half but found its plates to be too tough. Zora jabbed his knife in between the plates and proceeded to pry it off; meanwhile, Lilly was being chased by the centipede, yelling for help. Finally, he felt his knife snap up, and he watched the armored plate fly off. Lilly was now backed into a corner; the centipede reared for an attack; Lilly screamed as it came down on her.
Zora slashed through the newly unarmored area, and the bug fell in two as he leaped off, and it crumbled to dust; he picked up one of the pincers he'd slashed off as Lilly cautiously crept from the corner and began to collect the rest of the loot. He smiled and looked at her, adrenaline pumping through his veins.
“Wasn't that great!” Zora exclaimed, sheathing his knife, as he began to walk out.
“Yes, quite impressive, Zora.” She replied, following him, her hand reaching for his knife on his belt.
“Oh, stop that.” Zora replied, making her hesitate, was he on to her?
“I can tell that’s not what you really think.” Zora continued, smiling at her. Lilly didn't reply.
“Yes, you're right, but I’d rather keep my thoughts to myself.” She replied, forcing a smile as she slipped the blade up her sleeve. They stopped outside of the dungeon entrance; a couple of loot traders were set up nearby. Lilly watched as Zora walk over, he conversed with one of the traders. A man dressed in a brown leather tunic and black slacks, his stall was shabby, obviously put together in a hurry. As she watched, stuff exchanged hands, and two bags of money were handed to Zora.
Zora walked back to where Lilly was standing; he handed her one of the bags. Her eyes went wide.
“H-hey, wait th-this looks like half.” She asked, and he just smiled and nodded.
“I considered you fifty percent of the team, so I paid you fifty percent, He replied smiling, if that's all, I'll take my leave.” He smiled, good-heartedly, she frowned before nodding. After that, they parted, each going their own way.

“Your knife was stolen!” Ashley exclaimed, annoyed, “How could you be so blind.” she was having back and forth in the living room; Zora sat on the couch, smiling.
“Sorry? I came back alive though, didn’t I” His smile faded; she was upset, pacing back and forth, and wringing her hands in frustration.
“You know the one who stole your knife though, right?” Ashley asked suddenly, sitting down on the couch.
“Yes, of course.” He said, his usual smile gone, “I’ll get it back.”
“How?” Ashley asked, confusion sparking with resentment in her eyes; she could tell that Zora thought this Lilly was cute.
“Yes, but that’s all I’ll say for now.” He replied, his eyes sparkled with passion, as he got to his feet.
“I’ll get the knife back, don’t worry.” Ashley frowned, obviously unhappy about the situation. “Well, be careful.” she said, turning on the TV and putting her feet up on the coffee table.
“Aren’t I always?” Zora asked, smiling, “Well, I'll be back okay.”
Ashley shrugged as Zora headed back out; there was something he needed to buy.

Zora flinched as a bell rang, the door closed behind him; he glanced around the small shop. It was reasonably spacious, with shelves along the walls and in symmetrical rows. A counter was on the Left wall, no one stood at it, but as he began to walk forward, he Jumped.
“Customer!!!!” A battle cry called as a woman dashed out.
“Hi, welcome, whatcha want, whatcha need?” She exploded with a flurry of questions, her cat-like ears flicking excitedly.
“Uh-um, where's your light armor?” He asked, smiling uncomfortably.
“Uh, uh uh.” She spun around, her tail following her, “down that way!” she pointed; he rubbed his face where her tail had snapped past.
“Thank you; you don't get much business?” Zora casually asked, frowning at the empty store.
“Nope, can't understand why.” she replied, smiling, “you've been my first for a while.”
“Yeah. . . I think I know why.” he replied, walking casually towards the back, her ears perked up at his sudden conclusion.
“What!?” She explained, catching up to him, “please explain.” Zora leaned over and picked up a chest plate; it was black, a stunning black with red runes etched into its nightly surface. He ran his hand along it, I think I'll get this one.
“-elp maybe it's my clothes or my decor.” She broke into his thoughts.
“It's your attitude; you’re too erratic, you nearly scared me off luckily, I know that this store has what I need, I knew your father.” Zora replied, her father, a nice older man who knew how to greet a customer properly. He'd been quite old when I had come before. And Carren, his daughter, was only eight, that was seven years ago, and she was fifteen now.
“Oh, okay.” She said, her ears lowered in shame and disappointment.
“Hey, just stay at the counter when a customer comes in and casually ask them to have a look around, they should come to you if they need anything. And I'll do my best to spread how good this store is, but if you don't mind, a discount would be helpful.” He said, trying to get her hopes back up, smiling, he patted her on the head.
“Hey, I'll be your customer, for now, okay?” She blushed and nodded, “thank you; I don't mind a discount.” She replied, smiling again; he brought the full set of light shadow armor over to the counter and gave her all the money he had.
“Thank you, and have a nice day.” Carren said, taking his money. Zora waved bye as he left the store.

He didn't make it easy; being so kind makes it hurt to steal from him. Lilly thought she was currently walking down an alley, making her way to her hideaway.
“Hey, let me see that knife you're hiding in your sleeve.” an unknown voice called from behind. Lilly didn't even stop to look; she darted forward, the entrance to the alley was just ahead. She slammed into Zora as she left the passage, she hit the ground hard, and the knife slung from her sleeve and hit the wall.
What the hell! Now I feel even worse. Lilly thought, afraid to even look up, fearful of what he might think of her, afraid it would show on his face. Finally, she looked up to see a hand offering help; she didn't feel like she deserved it and got up on her own. She could still feel the ground on her back, the pain.
“Hey, you found my knife! Thanks.” He smiled, a knowing glint in his eye. He picked it up and sheathed it on his belt.
“So, how bout it, tomorrow we go back into the dungeon?” Zora asked, smiling. Lilly hesitated; why was he still being nice? She smiled, but before she could answer, a slender young girl with black hair strode from the alley.
“Don't be stupid, Zora, it’s one thing to gamble with your knife, it's another to gamble with your life; I get a strong sense of danger from this girl.” Ashley said, frowning at him.
“Don't worry, we'll be fine, it's just a dungeon.” Zora gave her a smirk worthy of a war hero. “So, tomorrow?”
“Yes!” Lilly said quickly and shook his hand. Guess I'll have another chance to steal from him. So then why do I feel so bad?
“Hey, do you have a place to sleep tonight?” Zora asked; Lilly looked up, surprise in her eyes.
“Why do you ask?” Lilly replied, of course, I do, I-it’s just o-outside, in the a-alley.
“N-no” she replied. Ugh! Why do I keep letting him help me? She frowned, “but I can just sleep in an alley like normal; it's fine.”
“No, you can stay with us.” Zora replied.
“She’s a thief! That's a bad idea.” Ashley replied, appalled that he'd even suggest such a thing.
“I know she's a thief.” Zora replied; he then crouched down to Lilly's level.
“Hey, promise you'll be good, and I'd happily let you stay with us, okay.” Lilly nodded.
“I promise I won't steal anything.” Lilly replied, honestly. Why am I looking forward to sleeping inside? I've slept outside for so long, it’s normal, right?
“I don't know why, but after meeting you, my life has turned upside down, and I don't know if I like it yet.” Lilly said, suddenly she began to wobble, her head felt dizzy. She fell forward; her eyes fluttered, and her arms didn't even try to break her fall, so Zora caught her instead. That's when he noticed a small needle sticking from the back of her leg. “Poison!” Zora said, concern glittered in his eyes; he lifted her into his arms, “now we're definitely taking her back to the house.” He said sternly, and Ashley didn't object; he'd won the debate before she'd collapsed.
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