

The Fundamental Imbalance in Our Society!l
The body of the people is not the same as the body of it's leader. But the soul and the spirit might be. This only lays morality at the choosen/elected leaders feet.

We have pulled the rocks from the ground until our fingers have bled. We collected seeds from the fruits from the land and planeted them in long, straight furrows. Like the ranks of soldiers, when we finished and looked at what we accomplished... We did not see a garden, we saw a scar. The land had saved our lives and we as the people have done it no service. All we have done was destroy it and ruin our own futures in doing so. For our reasons were flawed and left wanting, only considering private gain and financial value. Not once did we pause to consider the potential repurcussions of our actions to our United future and health of our planet.

There is a hierarchy at play with most at the lower end of the scale... The ones stuck on the lower rung, always working harder with less control than those higher up on the rung.


Yet...it is the lowest of low that add more financial contributions towards our combined economic wealth. If so then why are they still the unknown contributors? Why are they still not acknowledged? Why oh why is this even a question...

The interesting thing that most of humanity focusses on is money, the monitary contribution to our government via tax and yet most of the income towards our economy comes from our people we unknowingly take advantage of.

The reclaimers contribute to more to our economic health as a country yet as still left unrecognised!

The real question is why?? Yet the answer is simple, monitory gain... We care more about the money than anything else... which once again begs the question why is money more important than our future health of our planet!?.

Are we so narrow minded as not to see the bigger picture?

Why is it that PET is the most recycled item versus HIPS...? Because there is a larger end use product available for PET! and yet... no-one is aware that that there is a Huge potential to expand on HIPS related products purely because it is a more expensive process. Do anyone actually realise that PET recycling is limited to clear/ white PET plastic items that can only be recycled so many times until it becomes toxic??

HIPS that is hard impact plastic also known as polystyrene (biggest contribution of waste and pollution is disregarded for not having a $). AND yet not accurate since the profit margins are lower than PET!