

The Farmer
Here is a picture of a farmer. He is ploughing his field.
He works hard from morning to evening.
He has to do a lot of work to get his corn.

The day may be warm, wet or cold, but the farmer goes on working.

At first, he has to clean up his field. He picks up all the dry plants and leaves and burns them. He is happy when there is plenty of rain.

The farmer had to watch his growing crop all the time.

Sometimes there is a storm. If the plants do not have firm roots, they may fall down.

Some worms and birds harm the plants.
The birds sit on the plants and eat up the corn.

When the corn is quite ripe, the farmer cuts it.
Then he brings it home and sometimes puts it in a barn.

He and his children are very happy when there is a good crop.

The farmer grows food for all of us.
we should thank him for his hard work,
and for the food he grows.
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