

"When her third-eye opened"
She turned on her disco light in her bedroom. Adoring the different color of lights she started to dance to the rythem of the beat on her Playlist of music. She then got tired layed across the bed then got into indian style crossed legs palms up to the universe started meditating. Breathing in slowly out slowly feeling the frequency and vibrations around her. Calm and collective She then started seeing the images of her subconscious mind. Showing her first the "tree of life", surrounded by water in the middle of somewhere in the universe not here on Earth. She felt sum of the knowledge and wisdom from the water, roots up to the branches then to the green leaves. She then opened her eyes stood up flowing dancing to the beat of her heart and frequency radiating the lights that surrounded her. The lights begin to to turn into living vessels with moving emotions. She started touching the lights feeling the life in them vibrating on her fingertips she begun twirling them left to right flowing with them. She sees her shadow on the wall with a beam of light around her image. She swirls a ball of light in her hand throws up to the universe with love & peace. She sees plants and flowers like never before seen here on Earth. Fish and birds start to swarm around her never seen before life like this. The feeling was warm, comfortable, like she belonged here. A electrifying absorbent feeling when she touched the birds flying. Like she was touching their soul. It was her birthday. She seen hundreds of purple balloons that she played with bouncing them pushing them up and down laughing with love and joy. She felt as though she was being watched by a higher power. She sees different themes; like sites from a projector somewhere was hidden to her. Strange who could be doing this? This work or works around her? Couldn't find the source only can feel the strong presence of a warm peaceful loving caring higher power. I looked at the two white birds (looked like doves) all of sudden they started flying erracticly like a tornado was coming thru. I started praying Oh God please help them. Then on the wall appears like a elevator black shadows going up and down. Then Jesus appeared in a white robe can't see his feet or hands. Bronzed brown skin, dark black hair, Long narrow nose, looks like he could be indian. He was still wearing his Thorne crown. He looked at me looking as if he was sad and tired. He never spoke to me. I asked him can he save my friends. I was talking about the birds they started having trouble flying like a tornado was swirling them around. Then alight appeared in the corner of my bedroom ceiling. No image just a strong female voice. She said to Jesus, "who is that"? Jesus never spoked he talked back telepathic to her looking at her. She then said back to Jesus. "Don't worry about her I got a Job for her". They then All disappeared. Astonished and Amazed as I was I totally was in shock. That was 2half years ago.. I've had other sitings and shocking things happend to me since then and foretold about the Covid epidemic a year in same month before it came to pass. I gathered my sisters and told them that it was gonna feel like the end of the World alot of people will die. But it won't be the end of the World to stay strong and have God and our Lord Jesus Christ by your side always. This is what we been talking about since we was little. Then we begun to pray together. I still don't know what my Job is or will be. I just know that Iam blessed and We All have a connectiveness with our souls to God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Peace, Love, Light unto you. Stay prayed up and bless be.
© Angie Cassani